chapter - 60

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Jin's pov :

"I don't know if I should call you an idiot or stupid brainless bastard." I jimin just sat their as he completed saying what happened.

"I think the second one suits him more." Suga said as I glared at I continued my talk.

"This is the dumbest decision I have seen you made in your life since we had been friends.jimin." I said as jimin sat in silence and this just giving me headache.

"At least speak something jimin." I shouted others just silently watched.

"THEN WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO?" Jimin shouted as his face is red.


Amd I was shocked to see jungkook suddenly shouting at jimin as he gone towards jimin and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

Jungkook pov :

I don't know how much time I had been hiding my anger after jimin hyung finished his side story.I am just in disbelief.why would he reject her when he loves her and she also loves him back.what the heck is stopping him!?

And when jimin hyung shouted I also let my anger and irritation out.

"DO YOU THINK I DON'T WANT TO?" Jimin hyumg I only gripped on his collar tight.

"THEN WHAT THE HECK IS STOPPING YOU?" I shouted back.and I felt others pulling me and jimin hyung back.and we are dragged up to a safe distance between us.

"ME.MYSELF. MY JOB AND MY DANGEROUS LIFE ALL OF IT WAS STOPPING ME.HOW CAN I DRAG HER PEACEFUL LIFE INTO UTTER HORROR WHEN I LOVE HER." Jimin hyung shouted as I looked at him dumbfounded not only me all my other hyungs were also wearing the same expression on their face.

Author's pov :

"Ok but did you even ask y/n's opinion about what you just thought?before rejecting her.?" Suga asked as he was the first one to return normal from his disbelief and broke the silence.

"I--I..." Suddenly jimin can't find any's like he was just born as he can only utter incoherent words.

"As I expected.the brainless stupid bastard suits you the best." Suga said as jimin can't reply to which suga  rolled his eyes.

"Joon hyung always calls me what do you think hyung?" Taehyung asked namjoon.

"No no you're 1000x better than him.he is too dumb." Namjoon answered.

"Ok guys your teasing afterwards." Jin said as he looked towards jimin his eyes turning soft as he looked at the younger.

"Look jimin I understand that you don't want someone you love to hurt because of you.but you're just hurting them more by acting opposite of what your heart is always mutual by two people and as such that they have their own choice if they want to have that love they will can't just decide for y/ is her choice to choose.whether she wants to stay with you and 'your dangerous life'.you can't just take away her choices." Jin said calmly so he can get through his dongsaeng thick head.which was seemed to be filled with utter nonsense so they should clean it so jimin can think clearly.

"And we can just not involve her in our gang missions if that makes you feel safe.and we have so many bodyguards and high tech security system.we can protect her.and it's not like y/n is weak disney princess she can protect herself just fine." Suga said as he folded his arms.amd jimin sat their silent.

"And are you ok with y/n being with other man other than you?" Jungkook asked as jimin flinched at the question.

"See??you can't even bear to hear it.tsk is time you're honest with y/n hyung." Said jungkook as he mocked jimin.

"But y/n" jimin said like broken record.but the others able to understand.

"Chill it's not like it is happening in 2 days.and I am confident y/n is still in love with can go ask for her forgiveness.kook bring the wedding card." Suga said as jungkook did as he was told and took the wedding card from the floor and stand in the middle so others can also see except jimin who didn't have the courage to do so.

'Seriously what was I thinking of letting go of y/n and living?'jimin thought as he smiled sadly.

'At least I have the time to fix things right'

"WHAT THE HECK!?Why the hell is the wedding in 2 days!?" Taehyung uttered shockingly as all others look at suga.who smiled nervously.

'Or maybe not.'

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