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Hello! My dear readers, who have been reading "Mafia's doctor".I am jyokar who is currently writing this book.

First I deeply apologize 🙇for keeping you all waiting. Even though the story started little cringely you all endured and encouraged through the comments and even it was single comment it made me very happy. I was going to abandon this story cause my college started it was very hectic due to COVID-19 and all.

And I have to thanks my sis for scolding me to start continuing writing this story. Cause she and I both know how it would be such a kill when a story you find interesting to go hiatus without even a notice. So you can curse me all you want I just want you to enjoy and remove some stress or sadness. I know my stories or not that great or professional but I promise to improve for the joy of  *Enchantees*(it was a name I came up with to the readers who are reading my stories I can change the name if you don't like it but pls let me know what you guys want.)

Thank you very much for coming this far with me and this story I will continue after December.💜


                                        Yours  dearly ,
                                                     Jyokar. 😉

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