the boy in the park [Ray]

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Okay, I was ready with unpacking my stuff. Contently, I fell back on my freshly built together sofa and stretched my aching shoulders. That shit was exhausting.

For a while, I stayed like this, awkwardly laying on a new smelling sofa that didn't quite feel like home yet and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. I had to do something. Or else, I would go mad, so I took a jacket and my keys and decided to roam the city for a bit. Couldn't hurt to get to know the place I would live in for the next few years.

After some aimless walking around, I saw an old fashioned gate-entry with an iron fence that was formed beautifully like leaves. It led into a park. The gravel paths were leading in slow curves past some trees and flowers. People of all ages were sitting on randomly placed benches and enjoyed the day. Luckily, it wasn't raining yet, though the sky looked like it might start soon.

I didn't care and kept walking around. I stopped at a statue of a boy around my age that just stood on a part of concrete on the grass with a bench in front of it. Curious, I stepped closer. The boy had wild, curly hair that reached to his shoulders and a scared expression on his face. He was only wearing some sort of ripped trousers and his torso was uncovered. If I saw it right, there even were some scratches on his skin. Maybe it should symbolise something important in the city? I inspected the tiny board with information next to it.

Untitled. Rumoured to be here since the opening of the park. A city-myth tells that the parents of this boy were cursed by a wizard to have a child that turns to stone on his twenty-second birthday and will only be freed by his true soulmate

I wondered how many girls or boys have touched it, hoping to see if it was true. Of course, it couldn't be because magic didn't exist.

Though, the statue was pretty detailed. Why didn't the artist get credit for it? He almost looked like he could fall down on the floor any minute. His facial expression was so well made that I could almost feel his fear and had the urge to hug him.

I took a few photos of the boy and his information board before putting on my jacket. The first drops of rain were falling down, one directly on my nose.

Damn, these scratches must have cost the artist so many nerves and was so much work. I gently followed one of them with my finger. In one moment, I was wondering, why it suddenly felt this warm under my fingertips because the stone should have been colder and in the next, the very boy was falling in my direction.

While my brain was in shock about where the fuck this boy was coming from, my hands luckily worked properly and managed to catch him from falling.

For a second, we only stared at each other disbelievingly at what just happened. I could see the now empty place behind him. Oh fuck.

"Did that just happen?" I wondered out loud into the uncomfortable silence, still holding onto his naked arm. As soon as I noticed this, I let it fall like I just burned myself.

By now, it was pouring and the poor boy began to shiver. But at my question, he nodded, looking around in fear. "Who are you?"

This was a little crazy. Well, more than just a little. The boy, I still didn't know the name of by the way, had been a statue mere moments ago. But he looked so lost and alone, clamping his arms together to keep some of his body warmth. "I'm Y/N. What's your name?"

"My name is Ray," He introduced himself, offering a small smile.

I returned it. What should I do now? Ah, fuck it, it couldn't get any crazier than it was now. "Should we go to my place to warm you up? You'll catch a cold otherwise."

Ray only nodded and let me guide him to my apartment. The walk was silent, both of us deep in thought. Objectively, I knew that it wasn't the best idea to bring a stranger to my house but something told me that I could trust him. This was probably pretty dumb but hey, what was life without a little risk? And most of the time I could trust my gut.

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