Chapter Nine - Alliances

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Harry's POV

Ron and I were sprinting through the forest, our feet hitting the snow covered ground lightly, barely making a sound. Moments later, Ron tripped over something and rolled down a hill. His blood-curdling scream was seconds followed by a cannon going off. I peered over the hill he rolled down and found it to be a cliff. What did Ron trip over? I walked back to where Ron had tripped over something. A body. But the helicopters deal with the bodies. They were still alive. Lucinda.

She opened her eyes weakly and screamed when she saw me bending over her. In a flash, my dagger was in her heart and a second later, it was back in my belt. Blood poured around her and a grin made it's way across my face. I watched her life seep out of her with satisfaction.

Sydney's POV

Two cannons went off and Adrian shivered beside me. We were still alive. He moved closer to me for warmth and I leaned my head onto his shoulder. I swear it just kept getting colder and colder. Nighttime was scary; there was no moon to guide us. Adrian and I were currently lying in a small cave with only each other for warmth. I had managed to lessen the wind's effect on us by placing snow covered rocks in front of the entrance of the cave. A twig cracked and snow poured down on us. Someone was standing on our small cave. And they weren't exactly light either.

'I know you're here somewhere,' a female said, her voice carrying with the wind. 'Come out, come out where ever you are.' Adrian opened his eyes and looked at me. Who was she? I put my finger to my lips, telling Adrian to stop with whatever protest he was about to say. I squeezed through a small gap in the rocks and saw the person jump off our cave and she looked into the forest.

'Stay here,' I whispered to him, grabbing my sickle. He obeyed silently, a look of worry on his face. I ignored him and stalked behind the female. A twig cracked beneath my feet. She whirled around and I was face-to-face with Danielle. Something flew towards me and I dodged quickly, just avoiding the arrow. I heard a noise behind me and I saw out of the corner of my eye Adrian coming to help me. Danielle won't win this battle. Not with two of us.

I clenched my sickle tighter in my hand and took a step forward to end her miserable life. She pointed an arrow at Adrian. I stopped in my tracks. Even if I threw my sickle, she would let her arrow loose faster. She smiled at me as she too realised this.

'Bye, bye, pretty boy,' she said as I darted forward with my sickle. She let her arrow loose just as I slashed her in the stomach with my sickle. I glanced at Adrian. He was still standing. The arrow missed. We shared a smile. She grunted in pain and she darted forward, still grunting in pain, to stand before Adrian. He jumped on her, using his height and weight against her. He could win this. I couldn't throw my sickle at them; I didn't want to hit Adrian. She got him in a head lock and they stood before me. Adrian's face started to go red then slightly blue. He couldn't breath.

'Stop!' I yelled. Adrian looked at me as did Danielle. 'Kill me instead!'


Author's Note: Thanks for reading and sorry I didn't update this earlier. Have the whole summer holidays though to update, so this should probably get finished before February. Hope you enjoyed this and check out my other stories. Merry Christmas for Tuesday! Love you all! <3

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