Chapter Fifteen - The Final Two

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Zach's POV

My lungs still refused to breath properly as I rested on a thick branch of a pine. The sky was pitch black yet the full moon made it easy to see. There were many clouds in the sky, all of which were a darkish grey. The wind picked up, making me even colder, which I didn't think was possible. My poor breathing made it hard to sleep, but after what seemed like a while, my eyes began to droop and my breathing slowed and started going back to normal.

And then the cannon went off.

My eyes opened instantaneously and I rolled straight off the edge of the tree branch. Luckily I was only ten metres high off the ground as I fell onto the snow covered ground. My whole body ached from the landing and my lungs started to refuse to breath again. I groaned in pain.

Either Sydney, Harry or Niall just died. I don't really care, they're all going to die anyway.

I started to get up slowly, trying to ignore my body's protests, but then I heard foosteps. They got louder. And faster. Too bad I lost my throwing knife. I grabbed the closest thing to me that could be used as a weapon and hid behind a tree. I looked down at what was in my hand. A stick. I sighed; it was something. And it was thick.

I wait for whoever it was to come closer. And waited. And I waited some more. Finally, they came into my view and they had no weapons in sight. It was Niall. I peered out from behind my tree again to see him limping my way. He should be easy to beat in a fight; he was covered in so much of his own blood I was starting to wonder how he hasn't already died of blood loss.

I just had to wait for him to come closer. And after what seemed like eternity, he appeared on the path in front of my tree. Perfect distance away. I held my stick in both hands and jumped in front of him. Before he knew what was happening, my stick smacked him right on the side of the head. He dropped to the ground instantly.

But his cannon didn't go off.

I kneeled beside him to see his chest rising and falling slightly. He groaned in pain and his eyes opened, trying to figure out what was going on.  punched him across the face and blood squirted out of his nose.

'Just kill me,' he groaned. 'I can't live like this anymore; just kill me, save me from this pain,' he said, his Irish accent ringing loudly through the still night air. His face twisted in pain. I nodded and grabbed my stick again, which was beside me, and raised it above my head.

And then I was knocked to the ground.

The stick fell out of my hands, flying a good twenty metres away. I struggled against the weight of someone on me. It had to be Sydney, she was the only other person alive other than me and Niall. I rolled over, pushing them off of me. I got a good look at Sydney, the moonlight glinting off her golden lily tattoo on her cheek.

She will not win.

I got to be my feet and bolted for my stick, jumping over Niall. I heard her jump over Niall. I was only five metres away from the stick when she jumped on me, kncoking me over. She sat on top of me.

"Sorry, Zach,' she said and I felt a sharp pain pierce through my back. I screamed in pain. She continued to dig whatever it was through my back, piercing my heart. Everything then went black.

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