Chapter Five - Death

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Jade's POV

The clock stopped counting and a noise rang out around the arena. I sprinted, going in the direction the boys told me to go in. I heard footsteps thundering behind me and I quickly turned my head a bit. The boys from What About Tonight and The Collective were following with the boys of One Direction and Damian McGinty following. Perrie was behind them. Damian McGinty was holding an assortment of daggers and he had one trained on the boys from What About Tonight and The Collective. Which one will he go for?

I sprinted faster, but it was to no avail; the boys from the Collective and What About Tonight were to fast. My foot slipped from underneath me and I tripped, falling straight onto my face. I feel something heavy land on my back.

'Get off of me!' I screamed, thrashing about. Something sharp was pressed against my throat.

'Scream again, I dare you!' the voice snarled, pressing the dagger or knife a bit harder into my throat. Something started to drip down my neck. Blood. My blood.

'Perrie, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Damian, someone, help!' I screamed, louder this time. More footsteps behind me. Will they get here in time?

'I said shut up!' the voice snarled in my ear and he slashed the knife or dagger against my throat. I heard a high pitched scream from behind me and my eyes drooped. Perrie. The guy got off of me as I drifted off into darkness.

Bella's POV

I had a spear in hand and was face to face with Carly Rae Jepsen. Everyone else had fled except for us two. She had a throwing axe in one hand and it was pointed at me. I gulped and she laughed, a cruel, dark sound.

'Time to meet your end,' she growled, taking a small step forwards. I backed up a step and she smiled. With a flick of her wrist, one second later the throwing axe was hurtling through the air towards me. I turned to run but another second later, it was embedded in my back. I fell to the ground. Dead.

Cher's POV

This was horrible. Jade was already dead. And so was Bella. I didn't know Bella that well, but she didn't deserve to die. At least not this way. Harry was sitting beside me as we watched the bloodbath in action. Jayden and Louis were sleeping in their beds and for once, were quiet. Harry was so tense; he was gripping my hand so hard I couldn't feel the blood flow.

'They'll be alright,' I said. No answer. 'They'll be alright,' I repeated, my voice shaking. No response. I sighed. This was gong to be a long few days.

Zach's POV

I got off of Jade's body as the foot steps behind me grew louder and louder with each second. The guys and I sprinted, leaving her behind me. The high-pitched screaming continued though.

'Perrie, it is alright,' one of their guys said. Zayn.

'No it isn't. Jade is dead!' she cried.

'I know how it feels,' he responded. Her crying became muffled and we ran, following the frozen rivr. Up ahead were some humans. We couldn't see who though. I raised a dagger to show them we were a threat.

'Zach, dude, it's just us: Samantha and Briden,' one of them said. I put it back down to see them. Briden was shaking.

'Where is Veronica?' Will asked, slowing to a walk.

'I don't know; she could be dead for all I know!' Briden screamed. I hushed her.

'We need to run; we are already in trouble with the other big group,' I said. We all started to jog.

'How?' Samantha asked.

'Killed Jade,' Tyrone said. 'Zach.' Silence fell around us. And then more screaming started. Briden cringed and we started to run faster. They were so close.

Adrian's POV

Wow. Sydney was amazing. Daniel had tried to sneak up on me, but she saw him. I stepped over his body and we walked in the opposite direction to where the big groups went.

'Thanks,' I said, trying to keep up with her. She nodded, her eyes watching.

'Quiet; Lucinda could be close.' I closed my mouth and nodded. We could win this. And then she might be with me. A smile found it's way to my lips beyond my control.

'Why are you smiling?' she asked.

'Quiet; Lucinda could be close,' I quoted. She smiled a little in response and we walked in silence.

Tyrone's POV

We had to slow to a walk; we were just too tired. But the footsteps kept coming, growing louder and louder with time passing. I checked behind me. Five figures. They were only twenty metres away. And they were catching up fast.

'Run!' I shouted. They hesitated, looking behind them. Too late. A dagger flew through the air, hitting Brock in the neck. He fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. I ducked a dagger, kneeling beside him.

'Win,' he grunted. 'For Christian, for Mitchel. And for me.' he said. I nodded.

'I will,' I vowed.

'Duck!' Zach screamed we all ducked as he threw his own dagger at them. This one hit Zayn squarely in the heart. He too fell to the ground, dead. Perrie screamed again. This was so not a good day for her. The group quickly ran off, running through the trees, away from us. Perrie had struggled; she didn't want to leave Zayn. Liam had grabbed her arm as Zach threw another dagger. Will did the same. Zach's hit Liam in the knee and Will's hit Niall through his shoe and into his foot.

'Nice aim,' I told Zach and Will, avoiding Brock's body.

'Thanks for the warning; you saved our lives,' Will said.

'Not Brock's,' I said, my voice full of sorrow. Will dropped his gaze. The two girls' had hid behind the trees because they were weaponless and they came into view now.

'Is Brock-?' Samantha asked, dropping her question midway. I nodded.

'Let's get out of here.'


Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. In case you didn't know, Brock, Jade, Bella, Daniel and Zayn are dead. Others could be, you never know. Who do you want to win? Vote, comment and fan! Thanks for reading! I love you all! <3

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