Chapter Three - Scores

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Perrie's POV

Over the next three days, we learnt many different skills. I learnt how to weild a spear. Hopefully that should be useful. Jade learnt how to attack with a throwing axe. The rest of the group learnt survival skills and how to fight with daggers and knives. The smart girl from Team Eleven - Team Vampire Academy - learnt how to use a sickle. She was actually really good. I hope I dno't go up against her.

Bella's POV

Today was the last day of training in the training centre. I watched in amazement as Damian McGinty darted forward with a dagger, hitting a sandbag in the shape of a human, right in the heart. He darted away again, quicker than before. He was good. Really good. I don't want to go up against him. Hell, I don't want to go up against anyone. This was like hell on earth. Wait, scratch that. It is hell on earth. And I was in the middle of it.

Ed's POV

Carly Rae Jepsen was horrible. She stayed on the sidelines, not able to learn much. Firstly she tried to tie a simple reef knot, but it unraveled straight away. Then she tried to learn camouflage, but she instead stood out like a fire at night. She was going to die so quickly. And I want to be the one to deliver it.

Brock's POV

The remaining members of One Direction weren't that good. They acted like they were amazing, but they weren't; they were horrible. Liam tried to learn how to use a throwing axe; it missed its target. Zayn tried to learn how to throw a dagger, but he kept glancing at his reflection in the weapon. He was so up himself. And Niall tried to learn how to use a baton; he instead missed his target and whacked himself in the side. This was going to be a piece of cake to take them out. And it will be enjoyable.

Will's POV

It was the last day of training. Today we will be showing the Gamemakers our skills. I wasn't that good, but I will try. I am going to use a bow and arrow. It was the only thing that I was good at. Our group huddled together, coming up with a strategy.

'We'll make us look strong,' Zach said with determination no his face.

'Why?' Samantha asked.

'We don't want to look weak; we need to look strong. We need to intimidate the others. We need to be the best,' Zach replied. We all nodded.

'Do this for Christian and Mitchel,' Tyrone spoke up.

'And for Jayden and Trent,' Zach said.

'Jade Thirwall from Team One - Team Little Mix - you're up. Please come through the doors,' a robotic voice came from the speakers.

'Good luck Jade,' Perrie said. Jade nodded and went through the opened door. It closed when she went through. It was beginning.

Harry's POV

'Harry Potter from Team Six - Team Hogwarts - you're up. Please enter through the door,' the robotic vioce said. I got up and went through the opened door. It closed almost immediately behind me. I sucked in a deep breath. My time to shine. I stepped forward, grabbing the nearest weapon. It was a throwing axe. My legs were like jelly as I made my way to the sandbags.

I darted forward, slashing the sandbag in a wide arc. I smiled, darting forward to another sandbag, slashing it as well. In less than ten seconds, I had made my way randomly through the sandbags, slashing at them all. Another door opened once I was finished and I walked through it.

Lucinda's POV

I was just called up. Daniel clutched my hadn tightly.

'I'll be fine,' I said, going through the opened door. I walked to the weapons, grabbing a dagger. I concentrated on the targets thirty feet away. Only one chance at this. I took a deep breath then flicked my hand forward. It landed in the middle of the target. Bull's eye. I went through another door. My turn was finished.

Veronica's POV

I had just finished with my session. It went horribly; I had tried to use a throwing axe and I threw it at the sandbags from twenty feet away. It missed entirely. I had just walked through the opened door, my cheeks flushing scarlet. Everyone stared at me and I hurried to take my seat.

'You did fine,' Briden said. I shook my head.

'I'll be lucky to get a one,' was my response.

'It wasn't that bad.'

'It really was.'

Niall's POV

Damian McGinty had just finsihed and he entered through the door. I smiled as he sat down beside me.

'Did you do well?' I asked him.

'I was alright; I'm pretty good with a dagger,' he answered. 'What about you?'

'Alright; I'm alright with a baton.' He nodded, a smile making its way across his face.

'We have so won this.'

'I hope so.'

Danielle's POV

It wasn't that bad. I'm pretty good with a knife. It landed on the five, right next to the ten. Pretty close. But, oh well. Better than Carly Rae Jepsen probably.

'You alright?' I asked Eleanor. She nodded. 'I know you miss him, but be strong for him; win for him.' All she did was nod. I sighed. I couldn't see her winning this. But I don't see me winning either.

Adrian's POV

Sydney finished describing how she was with a sickle. By the way she described the experience, she sounded really good. The television was playing softly in the background, but an announcement flashed across the screen.

'Now time for what the tributes scored for the Second Fandom Games,' the presenter stated with excitement in his voice. I turned the sound up as she stared at the screen.

Zayn's POV

'Perrie - 6. Jade - 4. Bella 3. Samantha - 6. Carly Rae - 1. Ed - 4. Tyrone - 7. Brock - 6. Zach - 9. Will -5. Ron - 2. Harry - 10. Daniel - 3. Lucinda - 8. Veronica - 1. Briden - 6. Damian - 12. Niall - 7. Eleanor - 1. Danielle - 4. Adrian - 4. Sydney - 8. Zayn - 5. Liam - 9.' The presenter finished. A five? Seriously, a five?

'Nice job Liam,' I said, breaking the silence. 'A 9 is good.'

'A 5 is pretty good,' he lied. I didn't bother to correct him. We both knew it was bad.


Author's Note: Sorry this isn't very good; wrote this in my SOSE class. Can't update until Monday afternoon, so I hope you enjoy this chapter. They will be in the arena in the next chapter. Where do you think it'll be? Please fan, comment, vote and check out my other books. Thanks for reading!

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