Chapter Four - Countdown

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Carly Rae's POV

This was it, we were going into the arena today. And I wasn't allowed to wear my fake nails either. I was forced into a thick black jacket, a tight green singlet and camouflage cargo pants. I mean, eww! Didn't these people have any fashion sense? I looked around me, seeing what the stylists were wearing. Yeah, they had no fashion sense.

Samantha's POV

I was ushered - more like pushed - into a tube, my stylist watching over her nails. If only she was in the arena, I would like to rough her up a bit. I usually wasn't violent, but after waxing my legs to the extreme, yeah, I was a bit pissed. My group is big, we'll take on One Direction's group. And we'll be the ones coming out alive.

Zach's POV

The tube lifted slowly and a gust of icy wind rushed around me. My teeth started chattering immediately and my body started to shake with the roaring wind. The snow was sticking to the ground and the trees rose up to meet the crisp blue sky. Snowflakes were falling slowly and snow was sticking lightly to the trees branches. A frozen river wrapped it's way around the trees, disappearing in the distance. I stamped my jaw together. I need to be brave. For Trent and for Jayden.

60, 59, 58. The clock began to count down. I searched, trying to find Will. And I did. He was staring at me, pointing with his pinky finger in the direction where the river disappeared. I nodded and I helped him gesture to rest of our group to show where we were going.

54, 53, 52. The clock continued to tick. I stared at the three boys of One Direction. Their eyes were lit with rage. They were going to do this for Louis. But our team will bring them down.

Damian's POV

41, 40, 39. The clock continued to count down. Niall and I were separated only by ten or so metres. I caught his eye and pointed up river, where it disappeared. He nodded and passed it on to Zayn, who passed it on to Liam. It continued to go around our group. I didn't see any of the other large group noticing it. We didn't want to get slaughtered so quickly. And we were going to win this.

27, 26, 25. I know the boys of One Direction didn't like the boys of What About Tonight, but I did. I didn't want to get caught up in their mess. It could get me killed.

Sydney's POV

21, 20, 19. Adrian and I will win this together. I wish he could just keep his hands - and lips - off of me. I liked Adrian, but it wouldn't work here. I watched Draco die and how it affected Selena. I did not want to turn bloodthirsty. I wanted to be strong. Hopefully my intelligence and use of the sickle could help me win this. I caught Adrian's eye and he smiled a devilish smile. I smiled back, the wind whipping at my cheeks. It was so cold, even with the thick jacket.

3, 2, 1.


Author's Note: Sorry this was so short! I might be able to update in the next few days! Love you all and fan, vote and comment! <3

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