I twisted my hips to look back at him and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"It's good to see you Alex," He said and went to shake his hand.

Alex accepted, "Good to see you too lad."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the surprise for Stella has just arrived and I'd like to show her."

"Oh, yes of course," Alex nodded encouragingly.

I looked between and two and then Zayn whisked me away, "What's the surprise?"

Zayn stayed quiet so I asked him again. He still stayed quiet. He was trying to hide the grin on his face. He lead me to where we were when we were talking with Emily and Niall. But this time they weren't there. It was my family. My mom, dad, and brother.

My eyes lit up with happiness and tried my best run over to them in my heels. I went to my mom first and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, sweetie I'm so proud of you." She whispered in my ear. She kissed my cheek and let me go.

I hugged Nick next, "Can't believe my sister is more famous than me." He joked. I laughed and lightly hit his arms. He dramatically grabbed the spot I hit him at and cried out in pain. I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him. He did the same.

I went to my dad next and went to hug him slowly. He tightly wrapped his arms around me. He was far taller than me and made me feel like a little girl again. I loved the feeling of being a little girl and when I was around my dad that's all I felt. The feeling of being innocent and having the world right at your feet. You had nothing to worry about as a kid. It made me want to be around my dad even more

"I'm so, so proud of you. My baby girl," He whispered almost too quietly.

"I'm proud of you too, dad." I was proud of him because he finally made me feel comfortable and that's all I could ask from him after our past.

"I'm happy we worked all this out. I feel a whole lot better," He responded.

I nodded, "I am too." I looked at all of them and smiled, "I had no idea you guys were coming!"

"Zayn flew us up here. I like him. He's a keeper, Stell," My mom told me.

I giggled, "Yeah, I like him too," I glanced over at him. He was talking with Liam and he stole a glance at me also. He smirked and winked. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked back at my mom.

"It's so great that you finally have opened the gallery. And I can tell it's already going to be popular," She spoke again.

"I know it's great," I shrugged, "Em and I never thought it'd happen."

"Well, we're all proud of you. But I think you should get back to your boy. He's been eyeing you," My dad chuckled and pointed to Zayn was kept glancing at me.

I laughed, "Thank you guys so much for coming. I love you!" I blew them a kiss as I walked away.

Zayn welcomed me with a kiss, "I think it's time for you and Emily to make a speech."

"Oh, yeah! Where's Emily?" I craned my neck to look for her. I saw her talking with a group of people and went to get her. She agreed it was time and we went up to the front together. We called everyone's attention and I nervously cleared my throat.

"I'd just like to thank you guys for coming out here tonight. It truly means a lot to us. I mean we never thought we'd be standing here in our finished gallery talking to all of you," I spoke.

"Yeah, seriously. I was just a girl from Connecticut and Stella was just a girl from Chicago. We were both interns for Peter Hurley and sadly he couldn't come since he's out of the country for a photo shoot. But I mean we were barely anything and then we had the chance to shoot some of the most famous people in the world." Emily shook her head in disbelief.

"The boys of One Direction really changed our lives. They helped get us here today. They helped finishing the gallery and they even brought some of you here. We have to give them thanks because I don't know what we would have done without them." I looked over at the five of him and smiled thankfully at them.

"And of course our families. I know my mom really inspired me to become a photographer. She helped me with everything. I love you so much mom, and thank you." Emily blew her mom a kiss.

"And gosh, my family means so much to me. We went through some rough times but we got through it. I love them dearly. Thank you guys for being there for me. And again thanks to all of you! We hope you guys enjoy the rest of your night!"

The crowd in front of us started clapping and I went to hug Emily. She hugged me tightly, resting her head on my chin.

"I love you Stella Wella," She giggled.

"I love you too M&M," I laughed.

We pulled away and Harry walked over engulfing us in a hug, "I'm so proud of my girls!"

We laughed and he kissed both our cheeks, "Thanks Harry," I said wiping his wet kiss off my cheek.

"Aye, don't wipe that off. A lot of girls would have cherished that kiss," He pointed an angry finger at me.

I laughed, "I'm sorry I just don't want a saliva covered cheek."

"Understandable," Harry shrugged, letting it slide.

"Hey there my love," Zayn slid in next to Harry and kissed my cheek. Then he went to give Emily a hug.

The rest of the boys including Alex and Danielle and Eleanor joined us. We stood a circle talking and laughing. I looked at all of them and realized how lucky I was. I was surrounded by such an amazing group of people and honestly don't know what I'd without them. My friends are everything to me. Zayn wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered, "Come with me."

I reluctantly followed and he led me upstairs to our editing room.

"I just wanted to get you alone," He said when I asked him what he wanted.

I laughed, "Zayn can't share his girl?"

Zayn chuckled, wrapping two arms around me, "It's awfully hard."

I laughed and leaned in to kiss him. His lips were soft against mine.

"Mm, I can't wait till the day I can call you mine forever," Zayn whispered against my lips.

"You already can," I whispered back while grinning.

Zayn closed his eyes and brushed his nose against mine while whispering, "You're mine forever."


Aaandd that's the end! I really really hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter and the whole story! I'm proud of my first story. It wasn't the best but I'm proud(:

Since this one is over I'll began writing the new one, Baby Blue Eyes. I'm going to write most of the chapters before I start posting, so it may be a while till I upload the story. But I do have an Ed Sheeran one shot to post. Just not sure when to upload it..maybe tomorrow?

But thank you guys so much for all the reads and the votes. I didn't think I'd get over 100 reads let alone 8,000! So thank you! I love you guys! Don't forget to the vote for this last chapter(:



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