Next step?

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We've already landed hours ago. We're currently on the tour bus going to Manchester for the first show. Everyone else is sleeping, taking naps, but Billie and I slept on the plane so we weren't really tired

"Wanna watch another?" Billie asked asked as we finished our first movie

"Yea, what movie?" I asked

"Let's look" she said

"Wait, stop there" I said

"What?" She asked

"Let's watch three hundred sixty five days" I said

"Ew no. Isn't that shit nasty" she said

"We're watching it" I said

"Fine" she said

"What, can someone not handle sex scenes?" I teased

"Not while we're on a bus with other people" She said

"And why is that?" I asked teasingly

"Because then I'll wanna fuck you" she said plainly

My eyes widened at how blunt she was

"What? You asked"'she said with a shrug

"I didn't expect you to be so blunt" I laughed

"You know me, bold and horny" she said

"Someone's horny?" I asked moving to straddle her

"Dont" she said

"Dont what?" I teased

"Dont start something we can't finish" she said

"Fine" I said trying to move off her


"That shit was weird" Billie said

"I know. I thought it was gonna be better than that" I said

"He really railed the shit out of her though" Billie said with a laugh

"Oh my god" I laughed back

"What? He did" she said

I just laughed and shook my head. There was a short lived silence

"So I was thinking of moving" I said

"You were? To where?" She asked

"Just out of my parents house" I said

"Like far from them?" She asked

"No, there's nice little apartments literally on the next street" I said

"Oh" she said

"But I was also thinking... what if we get an apartment together?" I said hopefully

"Really?"'she asked as her eyes lit up

"Yea. We're always at each other's houses anyways. We're always with each other" I pointed out

"You really wanna move in with me?" She asked

Shit too fast?

"Maybe not right away if you're not ready. We can take time" I said

"I'd love to move in with you" she smiled

"Actually?" I asked

"Yea. It's time to take the next step. At least I think so. I love you and you love me. There's no reason why we shouldn't" she said

"Holy shit" I said

"We can start looking now" she said

"But apartments only" I said

"We're too loud for an apartment" she said

"So what-" I started

"We could buy a house" she said

I just looked at her

"But I-" I started

"We can buy the house together. I know you told me you had money set aside for some things. We won't get a super crazy expensive house. Just a nice modern one" she started

"That'd be cool" I smiled

She smiled back at me before scooting my MacBook closer to her. I watched as she started typing away

"Look. This house is two streets over. Super close and not too much" she said finding one right away

We looked through the pictures and the house was really nice. Not too big to the point where we'll have a lot of empty space, but also not too small to the point where we'll always be in each others way and fight

"This one is really nice" she said as she looked at the last picture

"I really like it" I smiled

"I can schedule a date after tour to go look at it?" she asked hopefully

I nodded my head reassuring her that I do in fact wanna move in with her

"Perfect" she smiled

"Look at us taking the next step into our relationship" I said

"I know. Finally" she joked

We continued to look at house close to our parents so that way Im not too far from Joe and Rose and that way Billie isn't too far from her parents

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن