I need you to let me go

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Right when the movie ended Billie looked me making sure I still remember to go ask my parents about going on tour with her.

"Yeah, I'm going now" I said laughing at Billies eagerness

"Want me to come?" She asked

"Yes please" I responded. We started to walk down the stairs when we were met by my mom, dad and little brother.

"Hey guysss" I said clearly nervous

"Hi hun" my mom said

"What's up?" My dad asked looking at Billie

"Hi stinky" Joe said laughing

"I need to ask you guys someone if that's okay?" I ask

"Of course" my parents said in unison while Billie went to go play patty cake with Joe

"So Billie is going on tour for 8 months and I was wondering if I can go..?" I nervously asked

My parents both looked at each other making me and Billie nervous for a response

"What about school?" My dad asked. Then Billie stood up

"There will be a private teacher so she doesn't fall behind" Billie

"Let us think about it" my mom said

"Okay, thank you" I responded

"Thank you Mr. and Ms. y/l/n" Billie said

"Billie we told you to call us by our first names" my mom laughed

"Right, sorry" Billie apologized

As me and Billie headed back up to my room her hand found mine and lightly squeezed it.

"I hope they say yes" Billie said sounding hopeful

"Me too" I said with a smile

Me and Billie just watched the office until we heard a knock at my bedroom door

"Hey y/n so me and your dad have decided about tour" my mom said causing me and Billie to sit up straight

"I'm sorry, but it's gonna have to be a no sweetie" she said leaving a disappointed look on both mine and Billies faces

"You're joking right?" I ask angrily

"No, I'm sorry, you're just too young" she said

"Mom I literally do everything for you guys. This whole family" I started to get a little more mad

"I didn't want to tell you this but since we moved here I felt a little depressed until I met Billie. Billie makes me happy and I make Billie happy" I continued

"I know hon-" I cute my mom off

"I.. I need you to let me go.." I said starting to cry

"What do you mean?" My mom asked

"You and dad hold me back from everything good. Like sports. I was really good at soccer at my old school and I even had a scholarship to a really good college, but we had to move. Now this" I said starting to tear up

"I'll talk to your dad some more but I don't know y/n" my mom said

"Thanks mom" I said wiping my tears and with that my mom closed my door and walked out.

The whole time me I was back lashing at my mom, Billie just sat beside me, rubbing my back in a comforting way.

"Do I really make you happy?" Billie asked

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