Help me build this ya?

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" Baby, wake up" I heard a whisper but ignored it

"Baby, wake up" ignored it again

"Alright, you leave me no other option" she said again

Just then I felt my bed sink

"I SAID WAKE UPPPPPPP" Billie yelled jumping on my bed, causing me to shake

"Mmm" I groaned

"Come onnnn" she said laying on top of me

"I'm uppppp what do you want" I said

"Let's gooooo" she said

"You just screamed and probably woke up my parents" I said

"They were already up. You know it's one pm right?" She asked

"Oh shit" I said and shot up

"You never called me last night" I pouted

"Actually, I called at exactly ten fifteen pm and you didn't answer. Then I called again at ten twenty five pm and you still didn't answer" she said matter of factly

"Well I went to sleep early because I got bored" I said

"Well, you left me hanging" she said

"Oops" I laughed

"Okay enough, get ready and let's go" she said

"Where?" I asked

"i have an interview with Elle. I think I'm playing song association again" she said

"Ou, I'm here. I'm going" I said

"I know you're going, that's why I woke you up" she said

"You have an hour to get ready, then we'll leave" she said

"Okay, then I'm gonna go shower" I said

Billie just looked at me

"What. Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked while Billie was smirking

"You know, I could use a shower too" she said

"You have one at your house" I said

"You bitch" she joked

"I'll be out in ten minutes" I said

"Fineeee" she said

I got my clothes ready and Walked into the bathroom. After I was done with my shower routine, I walked out and saw Billie laying in my bed with her back against the head board

"Sheeeeh, look at youu" she said

"I think I look better naked, but okay" I teased

"You do" she winked

"Okay, no fooling around. I need to get ready" I said

"My bad" she said putting her hands up in defeat

"But you started it" she added

She wasn't wrong

As I finished getting ready and we both walked down the stairs, my parents and joe were no where to be found. I look around confused unsure of where they went. I shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen for a bottle of water to take when I see a sticky note on the fridge

"We went to go look for some more baby stuff like a crib and things like that. We didn't want to wake you since you were so tired yesterday! We'll be home soon. Have fun with Billie since we know that's where you'll be ♡ " it read

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt