Lets not

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I guess Billie really did get the message. I haven't seen her in two days since I told her to give me space, but that didn't stop her from calling me every chance she got. Of course I didn't answer. I can't give in that easy. I'll be honest though. I really miss her. This is the longest we've been without each other since we met. Obviously I had to explain to my parents what happened and why Billie hasn't been around. They said it was okay and it will all blow over.

I'm currently sitting in my room on my bed. I need to go to target to get a few things for my room because i want to redo it, plus I need to stop sulking around. I put my hair into a messy bun and slide some shoes on

"Mom, dad, I'll be back" I said as I walked into the kitchen

"Where are you giving?" She asked

"I need somethings from target" I said

"Okay, be safe" she said

"Yea, be safe" my dad said

"Will do" I weakly smiled

I grabbed my car keys and walked outside. As I was walking to my car, I saw Billie on her porch, sitting with pepper. I took a quick glance at her, not really wanting her to see me looking at her. But she did. We made direct eye contact. I quickly looked away not wanting to give in this soon. I knew once I saw those eyes, I'd give in so quick. From what i saw, she looked really upset. I can't help but feel guilty because I know it's because of me.

I quickly got in my car and started it. Once I buckled my seat belt, I made my way to target while thinking of Billie of course.

Skip car ride

I quickly got out of my car and made my way into target. I went straight to the home section. I scan the isle for anything that could look good in my room

"Need help?" A soft voice asked me

"No I'm just looking, thanks though" I said looking up I was met with a pretty girl. Not as pretty as Billie though. She had blonde hair and bright green eyes

"No problem" she smiled

And perfect teeth

"I'm Sabrina" she said

"Y/n" I smiled

"I know" she said

I gave her a puzzled look

"Billie Eilish's girlfriend right?" She asked

"Oh yea.. That's me" I awkwardly laughed

"You're even prettier in person" she said

"Thanks" I smiled

"Where's Billie, you guys are always with each other" she said

Nosy much?

"Oh, she's at home" I simply said

"Oh okay" she said

"Well if you ever need help with room decor, hit me up. My mom is an interior designer" she said giving me her number

Who just keeps their number on them like that?

"Will do, thanks" I gave a weak smile

I knew what she was doing and getting at. Although me and Billie are fighting right now, I'll always go back to her. No matter what. It's gonna take make than a target worker to get to me. I rushed out of target, not putting a single item in the cart. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

I made it back home within fifteen minutes and there Billie was, still sitting on her porch. We made eye contact again. I can't be a total heartless bitch so I have her a small smile. She returned it. But hers was bigger. I really miss her but I know in order for us to move past this, we need time to cool off from everything. After we exchanged smiles, I walked into my house

"You weren't gone for long" my dad said looking away from the tv

"And you didn't get anything" he said

"I just wanted to get out of there" I simply said

"Why?" He

"This worker was like hitting on me" I said

"You didn't go along with it did you?" He asked

"Of course not dad" I said. I can't believe he would even think that

"Because you can't do Billie like that" he said

"Let's not. You don't get to talk about this right now. I said I didn't go along with it and I meant it" I said

"Y/n" he said softening his face

"No, don't "y/n" me. Me and Billie are fine. We're just taking a small break. Just leave it alone" I said going to my room

"I-" I heard my dad say

I think this whole situation is just stressing me out and causing me to be a bitch to everyone. I won't lie, I am stressed. What if Billie and I can't recover from this and that will lead us to break up. That's the last thing I want. I really love her. Like so much it's scary. I need to apologize to her soon. And my dad. I just want everything to go back to normal. I miss being able to laugh and just talk to Billie without arguing about me going to college.

I try I to get my mind off everything by doing the one thing I know how to do. Clean my room even though it doesn't need to be cleaned.

I turned on my music and connected it to my speaker, then got straight to work. I was dusting my bookshelf when my phone buzzed which told me I got a text. I slowly walked to my phone and read the message


I hope I can come over soon. I miss you
I'm so so sorry
I love you so much
Leave me on read all you want, but I need you to at least know how much I love you
And I love you a lot

I love you too

I had to. I don't want her to think that I don't love her. I smiled at the text messages and acknowledge the fact that she was really trying.. I turned my phone off and went back to cleaning my room

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now