Im so bored

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You can only sleep so long on a plane so I decided to wake up. I look over to see Billie still asleep next to me with my hand in hers. All I do is admire her for a few, taking in that she's MY girlfriend. I really love her but we haven't said it to each other yet. What if she doesn't feel the same. What if I'm just a faze.

"You're staring." I hear Billie say from beside me

"Not my fault you're beautiful" I said

"Not even, you're really pretty" she said sitting up to hug me

"How's you sleep?" She continued to ask

"Good, you?" I asked back

"Pretty good" she replied

"I'm so bored Bil" I said

"You just woke up" she replied laughing

"Yeah, and I'm bored" I said

"There's not much we can do on a plane" she said

"How much longer?" I asked

"I think still 30 minutes, which isn't that long" she replied.

"Let's just watch a movie" I suggest

"Okay bet" she said

With that we put in truth or dare and started watching it on her MacBook. Finneas looks back at us since him and Claudia were seated In front
Of us again to tell us that we're getting ready to land. I clench my jaw because I hate the feeling of a plane landing. Billie notices and grabs my hand and lightly squeezes it.

"I got you my love" she said looking at me

"Thank you" I said smiling at her

"Welcome to North Caroline, the current time here is   3:50 pm, enjoy your trip or welcome home, this is your pilot over and out" we heard over the speakers.

As we got off the plane, some fans recognized Billie and she stopped to acknowledge them, hugging them, and talking to them.

"Bil let's go" Maggie said politely

"Okay, I gotta go babies, but I'll see you real soon" she said hugging them all

We then got in our Uber to take us to our hotel and per usual me and Billie sat by each other.

"You okay?" She asked me

"Yea, you?" I asked back

"Definitely" she said smiling, placing her hand on my lower back

After some time we arrived at the hotel and the room arrangements were the same. Claudia with Finneas, me with Billie, and of course Patrick and Maggie.

"Fin and Claud, room 222, Billie and y/n, room 224. Me and Maggie will be on a different floor. Room 301" Patrick said

"And we don't have to do anything today. Relax kiddos" Maggie said

Billie grabbed my hand as we walked to the elevator to our room.

"Ahhhh" Billie said plopping down on the bed sounding satisfied.

"Tired?" I asked

"A little, the plane isn't really that comfortable" she said

"True, if you want, since it's still early we can take an hour nap and then do something" I suggested

"Sounds like a pretty good plan" said said smiling at me

"Okay" I said laying down next to her

It was a little cold in the hotel room and I think Billie noticed me shivering because she took off her hoodie and handed it to me.

"I don't want you to be cold" she said

"Are you sure?" I double checked

"Of course" she said

And with that I put the very big hoodie over me, inhaling her scent

"I know, I smell good huh" she said cocky

"Shut up" I laughed

Billie trailed her hands inside the hoodie, rubbing my back until I fell asleep.

Time skip to 5:00 pm

I wake up to see Billie already up before me.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yea I just couldn't sleep anymore" she said

"Okay bubba" I said

"Wanna go get some food with the family" Billie asked

"Yea, where are we gonna go?" I asked

"I don't know yet, my dad said he'll find a vegan place" she said

"Okay" I said

"We have to meet them in the lobby in 10 minutes" she said

"So get some pants on" she continued

"Nah I'm just gonna stay in your hoodie and my shorts" I said

"Okayy, but if it gets cold your legs are gonna be cold" she said

"Good thing your hoodie is really big then" I giggled

"True okay" she said

Me and Billie walked to the lobby to see everyone there waiting for us

"Hey guys" I said

"Hey" everyone said in unison

"Let's go get fooood" Billie said

"Yea, let's go" Maggie said

Billie grabbing my hand, we walked out the hotel to our Uber. We ended up going to qdoba since there can be vegan options. As everyone finished eating and talking we called another Uber to head back to the hotel

"After the show tomorrow, we have another day here so we can explore" Patrick said

"Dope" Billie said

"Cool" said Finneas while looking at Claudia

Everyone went back to their rooms and by then Billie was still exhausted, which I understand.

"Ready to go to bed?" She asked me

"Yea, but I think I'm gonna take a shower" I said

"Okay, if I'm already asleep by the time you get out, goodnight my love" she said

"Goodnight bubba" I said back walking into the bathroom

I finish my shower to see Billie still awake

"I thought you were going to sleep" I said

"I wanted to wait for you" she said

"Awe okay" I replied

"Come here" she said holding her arms out for me to crawl in

With that we fell asleep in each other's arms.


I'm kinda gonna carry this chapter on to the next page

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