I fucked up bad

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Billies POV

Three days. it's been three days since I last talked to y/n. I fucked up bad. I don't know what I was doing in that exact moment but all I know is I messed up. I kept calling y/n in hopes that she'll pick up she never actually does I call at least seven times a day just to see if she might pick up. Nothing. It's so hard not being able to hear her laugh see her smile or even just have her company over the phone. All these thoughts swarmed into my head but we're quickly interrupted when Finneas peaked his head through my door

"Hey, y/n said you need to eat something" he said

"You talked to her?!" I asked eagerly

"She called me" he said

"What did she say?" I asked

"She was just asking how you were" he said said

"You didn't tell her did you?" I asked

"That you haven't ate? Yea I did" he said

"Dude" I said

"That's how she said to eat something" he said

"What else did she say?" I asked

"She said that she loves and misses you" he said

"I miss and love her so much fin" I said

"I know Bil, she knows" he said rubbing my back

"I really fucked up. I wish I never went to that party" I said

"Couples fight. Me and Claudia argue all the time. No relationship is perfect" he said

"You and Claudia are perfect" I said

"No we're not. We fight all the time" he said

"We just work everything out" he continued

"How long does it take you guys to be okay?" I asked

"To be fully okay, maybe 2 days" he said

"It been 3" I said

"Every relationship is different. She'll come through" he said

"I hope so" I said

"She will. Be patient" he said

"I'm trying" I said

"It's okay" he said hugging me.

"We have a show tomorrow" he said

"I know. I'm preparing myself for it" he said

"Good. You're gonna kill it like you usually do" he said

"You already know" I said trying to sound cocky

"Don't get too cocky there" he said

"Just trying to be okay" I said with a weak smile

"Soon enough, everything will be okay" he said

"I know" I said


Time skip to later that night

"Hey Bil, we're going to get some food, wanna come with us?" Finneas asked

"Nah I'm not really hungry" I said

"You have to eat, y/n would want you to eat" he said

"Prove it" I said

"Okay" he said pulling out his phone and pulling up his contact

"Hello?" She said through the phone

"Hey y/n, what did you want me to tell billie again?" He asked her

"That I love and miss her?" she said

That right there caused me to let out a little smile

"Before that" he said

"Oh, to eat something" she said remembering

"Okay, thanks, have a good night" Finneas said

"No problem, thanks you too, bye" she said

"Bye" he said ending the call

"see she wants you to eat" he said turning to me

"Fine but only for y/n" I said

"Okay" he said.

Once we got in our Uber and pulled up to a restaurant, I instantly felt disgust because I didn't want to eat at all. Not in this state at least

"Bil they have bean burritos" Finneas said

"Yea, I'll have one of those" I said

"Perfect" he said

We all ordered and soon enough our food came. Everyone was digging in, but I was just sitting there looking at it.

"Billie, please take a few bites" my mom said

"I will" I said putting my phone down

I picked up my burrito and ate it. Surprisingly I ate it all

"I knew you were hungry" Finneas said smiling at me

"Nah" I joked

"We'll get you another one to go" my dad said

"Okay" I agreed not wanting to argue

As soon as my to go burrito came, we got in our Uber and headed back to the hotel.

"Wanna watch a movie with me and Claudia?" Finneas asked walking in the hotel

"Sure, what movie?" I asked

"We'll look when we get into the room" he said

"Okay" I said behind him

"Who's room?" He asked

"Ours" he responded

"Okay" I said

We headed to their room and started up a movie. We settled on bird box, which surprisingly was a good movie.

As the night finished off I decided to stay I'm Fin's Claudia's room because I didn't feel like walking back to mine and they offered. It was kinda like a little sleepover because we all shared one bed

"Goodnight Bil" Finneas said

"Goodnight Finneas. Goodnight Claudia. Goodnight y/n" I said not realizing I said y/n

"My bad I didn't mean to-" I said before I was cut off

"Goodnight Billie. Goodnight Finneas. Goodnight y/n" Claudia said looking at me with a smile

"Goodnight Claudia. Goodnight y/n" Finneas said back

I just have them a smile as a thank you for not making it awkward. Finneas was the first to fall asleep, then Claudia, then I slowly drifted.

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