You know whats coming up?

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"So the one year is coming up Yea?" Finneas asked as we were all sat around the kitchen area of the tour bus

"Yeaaa" Billie drag out with a smile

"We're happy you finally found someone, Bil" Claudia said

"Me too" Billie smiled and pulled me closer to her

"Are you two excited?" Maggie asked

"Very" I answered for us

Finneas couldn't help but have that stupid little smirk on his face

"Finneas, I'll kill you" Billie spoke, giving him the death glare

He put his hands up in surrender

"Dont kill him until after tour please" Patrick joked

Right as those words left his mouth, I burst into a fit of laughter

"Is y/n okay?" Maggie asked jokingly as I was still laughing

"She finds the tiniest things funny" Billie said

I nodded my head yes as I tried to calm down

"Finally, someone that laughs at my jokes" Patrick smiled

"Always patty" I smiled back

We finished up eating and talking to each other. It was times like this where I wished my family was here. To hear all the jokes, to see Joe laugh with Finneas, and to see my mom and Maggie be the best moms there are. Tour has really taught me the meaning of family. Not that I didn't know it before, but before I met Billie. I've never even been away from parents and Joe for more than a week. So I can't help but miss them all the time

"You okay?" Billie asked as she saw me spaced out

"Yea, sorry" I said

"No, it's okay. What's on your pretty little mind?" She asked

"Nothing" I said not wanting to make her feel bad

"Come on. Just tell me" she said with pleading eyes

"I just miss my family. That's all" I said looking away

"Y/n" she said putting her finger gently on my cheek and making me look at her

"I know it's hard, but tour will be over soon. We can try calling them in the morning, but time zones" she said

"I know" was all I could say

"We'll definitely call them tomorrow morning. Bright and early. I promise" she said

"Okay" I replied

She leaned over and kissed my cheek which caused a small smile to creep up on my lips


Billie and I are currently watching a movie in the kitchen area while everyone else is sleeping again. We're on our way to Italy, but don't worry. We don't plan to stay up until three am like last time. That was a rookie mistake. I really payed for it the next day
Billie did amazing at her show last night.. per usual. When doesn't she do amazing. The crowd was full of all sorts of energy, the crew was on top of their game, fixing any and all mistakes, and most importantly, Billie and Finneas were amazing. They gave it their all just like they usually do. They really know how to put on a show and make their fans happy. It's refreshing to see them both do what they both love so much.

As we're watching a movie called After, I felt Billies hand find a spot on my thigh. Within a matter of minutes, Billies thumb started caressing my thigh, up and down. Slowly. Gently. Then she soon began to go high up. I knew what she wanted and I would be lying if I said I didn't want it to... but I know we can't. Billie then took this as a chance to place her finger under my chin and moved my head to look at her. She pecked my lips a few times before going down to my jawline

"We can't" I said stopping Billie as she started kissing down my neck

"Whyyy" she whined

"Hmmm.. i don't know. Maybe because we're on a bus. With your family close by" I made valid points

"So? They're sleeping. They won't even know" She asked

"Yes they will" I defended

"You'll just have to be quiet" she said with a shrug

"Ew" I said at the thought of her family catching us

"Ew what?" She asked

"I don't wanna get caught. I know I can't be quiet" I said honestly

"You're not saying ew when you're screaming my name" she shrugged

"Billie" I said through gritted teeth as I slapped her arm playfully

Just then, she bursts into laughter with her hand over her mouth so it's not as loud. Once her laugher calmed down, she put her hand under my thigh to pull me onto her lap. I obeyed and moved on her lap so I was straddling her. At this point, we were making eye contact, smiling like idiots

"You know what's coming up?" She asked

It took me a minute to think, but then i thought back to the conversation from earlier and I nodded my head enthusiastically

"Our one yearrrr" I sang

"Mhmmm" she hummed with a big smile

"And guess what" she said

"What?" I asked

"We'll be in Paris" she said with a smirk

I had the biggest grin on my face

"In a hotel room. Not a bus. An actual hotel room" she said

"Will we now?" I asked in a teasing manner

"We will" she said with a smirk

I couldn't help but giggle. I know Billie's always horny, but she manages to control it for me so my legs don't shake everyday. Just then, I leaned down a little to be able to plant a kiss on her lips

"One year" she whispered just above a whisper

I smiled and gave her another gentle kiss

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now