Im coming home!

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Billie never answered my FaceTime last night. I assumed she fell asleep so I just left it. I was awoken by the sun shining through my curtains. My immediate instinct was to check my phone for the time. After about two minutes of looking tho right my bed for my phone, I found it and it read 9:00 am.

"Damn, that's too early" I said out loud

The thought of Billie not answering was racing through my head. The worse possible scenarios like did she sleep with someone else? Did she get kidnapped? Is she okay? With these thoughts eating my up, I decided to call again. No answer. My plan was to wait 2 minutes then call again, but as soon as I set my phone down, it started ringing

You bold Billie underlined
Incoming FaceTime
"Shit, I'm so so so sorry I didn't call last night. As soon as we left the party and got home I instantly fell asleep" she said with a sympathetic look

"Bil, it's fine. I assumed you fell asleep" I said with a soft smile

"How was the party?" I continued

"It was okay. We only stayed about an hour because I didn't wanna stay that long. It wasn't the same without you" she said with a smile

"Nothing else happened?" I asked

"There was a drunk girl, but those come with the party" she shrugged

"I'm sorry you didn't have fun" I said

"It would of been fun if you were there" she said with a cheeky grin

"Stahppppp" I blushed

There was a moment of silence and Billie just sat there smiling like an idiot

"What's got you all happy?" I asked

"IM COMING HOME TODAYYYY!!!" She basically yelled

"Oooh yeaaaa" I said remembering

"You- you forgot?" She asked sounding hurt

"Well kinda. I try not to focus on you being gone because every time I do, I cry" I explained

"Aweee my babyyyy, well I'm coming home today. Around 12 your time" she said

"YAYYYYY" I cheered a little to loudly

"Can you pick me up?" She asked with puppy dog eyes

"Of course I can bubs" i replied

"Yayyy! Okay. I gotta go because we have to head to the airport but I'll see you at 12-12:30" she said

"Okay. Bye I love youuuu"

"I love you too my love, bye"

With that, the call ended.

Since it was still early, I had a little time to get ready. I threw my legs over the bed to stand up, to some clothes, and walked to the bathroom. I did my usual shower routine and got dressed once I got out.
I put on some nike shorts and an oversized grey T-shirt. Since it was just Billie and her family, and I'm not trying to impress anyone, I decided to put very very light make up on.

I started off with a little moisturizer, some concealer, and some mascara, and I was all set. I walked down the stairs to see my parents and little brother sitting at the table eating eggs.

"Good morning sunshine" my dad teased

"Good morning guys" I said back

"Got any plans today?" My mom asked

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now