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After we got home from the venue everyone just immediately passed out. I guess we were all drained. I looked over and saw Billie peacefully sleeping. I grabbed my phone to check the time. It read 10:04 am. I'm already up so I might as well go take a shower.

"Where you going?" I heard Billies sleepy voice asked

"To take a shower" I replied

"Can I come?" She asked

"Sure, but no funny business" I smirked

"It's too early to fuck" she said

"What ?! THE Billie Eilish doesn't want to fuck me?!" I said in a sarcastic shock

"Nah. I'm saving it for tonight" she winked

"Oh gosh" said walking into the bathroom as she followed behind me

Once we reached the bathroom I turned on the shower to a good temperature and undressed

"One sec" Billie said leaving the bathroom to grab clothes

"Okay I'm ready" she came back

We both got into the shower and washed each other. Once we were done, Billie stepped out first, dried herself then got dressed. I stayed in the shower for a few minutes longer just enjoy the water. When I was done Billie was waiting for me with the towel

"Here you go mamas" she said wrapping me up

"Thank you bubba" I said kissing her cheek

"No problem. Are you excited for today?" She asked

"Extremely" I said

"I want to leave in about 30 minutes even though it's only 11 because I want to take you to get some food and coffee first" she said

"Okay" I said

"what time do we have to be at Courtney's ?" She asked

"2" I simply said

"Okay, sounds good" billie smiled

When we both got done getting ready Billie decided to text Maggie and Patrick and tell them where we would be for the day.

"They said "okay and to stay safe" we can head out now" Billie said

"Okay, I'm coming" I said grabbing the room key

Our Uber was already here since Billie ordered it 5 minutes earlier so we just got in and headed to a coffee shop.

The car ride was short and soon we arrived at the coffee shop where me and Billie sat at a table and ate our vegan breakfast sandwiches and I drank my coffee. For the remainder of the time me and Billie just talked

"If you ever feel uncomfortable at Courtney's let me know and we can leave okay?" I said

"Okay. I'll be fine though" said

"Just letting you know we can leave at any point" I said

"Okay" she said with a light smile

"It's already 1:30, we should get going" Billie said

"Okay" I said standing up

Once our Uber got here we quickly hopped in a started to head to Courtney's. While we were in the car Billie was rubbing my back making me relax. After the car had stopped I looked up from my lap and saw my childhood best friends house.

"Alright mamas. Let's gooo" Billie said opening the car door

I got out right after her and we waved the driver goodbye and walked up to the front door. I got a nervous feeling in my stomach I'm assuming it's because I haven't seen Courtney in almost a whole year. I couldn't bring my hand up to the doorbell so Billie rang it for me

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now