I miss my babyyy

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I can't remember if I ever gave your mom a name because I'm slow, but we'll say your moms name is Jennifer

Billies POV

Y/n had fallen asleep while in FaceTime, but I don't blame her, she's been at the hospital for her dad since she's left. Currently I'm talking to her parents while she sleeps.

"So Billie, how are you and y/n?" Her mom asked

"We're really good, I just miss her so much" I replied

"No arguments?" Her dad asked

"No, everything is all good" I said

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Her little brother Joe asked

"We have" I said with a giggle

"Ewwww" he said which caused her parents to laugh

"She's so in love with you hun" her mom said

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, she never shuts up about you" her dad said

"Believe me, I'm so incredibly in love with her too" I replied with a smile

"Please don't hurt my sister" Joe said

"I won't, I promise" I said

"Are you guys using protection?" Her dad asked

"I.. uh-" I stuttered

"Antonio, there's no need you dumb ass" her mom replied

"I know, I'm just teasing" he said laughing

"Haha" I laughed awkwardly

"Have you guys had sex yet?" Her mom asked

"Jennifer!" Her dad said

"Mom, what the hell?" Y/n asked sitting up while laughing

"What I just wanted to know" she said giggling

"Uhh.." I said not knowing what to say

"Come on, I feel like we should know" Jennifer said

"Yes mom" y/n said annoyed which caused my mouth to fall open

"Nice" her dad said

"Ooou" her mom said teasingly

"Bil, don't feel embarrassed" she said noticing my red cheeks

"Did we make Billie uncomfortable?" Her mom asked

"I mean probably. Who even asks those types of questions?" Y/n said looking at me

"I'm fine" I said clearing my throat

"Do you have a show today?" She asked

"No. Tomorrow though" I replied

"Are you tired?" She asked

"Nopee" I replied

"Are you okay?" She asked double checking

"Yea, I just miss my babyyyy" I said

"Wait, you have a kid?" Joe asked causing us to laugh

"I think she means Y/n, buddy" her dad said still laughing

"Ohh" he replied

Y/n, her family, and I continued to talk all day and night. A nurse came in earlier saying that her dad would be discharged tomorrow afternoon which made everyone, including me pumped.

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