Denver, Colorado

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Time skip: a few days later. In Denver now because I'm lazy asf

"Everyone ready?" Maggie asked as we were getting ready to board the plane to Denver

As you can guess already. I'm reallllly excited. I get to show Billie and the family around, visit family I haven't seen in a while, and most importantly my best friend, Courtney. God I haven't seen that hoe in a minute.

"Yup" Billie replied with a smile while her hand rested on my thigh

"YES" I basically shouted

"Someone's excited" Finneas said

"Very" I replied with a smile

"I'm so happy you get to see your hometown again" Billie said giving my thigh a light pat

Our flight was soon called over the speakers and I immediately stood up

"Slow down, baby" Billie said giggling

"Hurry" I said pulling her

We handed our tickets to the lady standing by the door.

"Have a safe flight" the lady said

"You too, wait-" Billie said to the lady

"She's not flying Bils" I said laughing at her

"I always do that shit" she said laughing as well

Me and Billie found our seats on the plane and I made sure I called dibs on the window seat.

After the flight attendants went over all the safety rules the plane soon took off.

"Get some sleep y/n" Billie said

"Are you kidding. I'm too excited to sleep" I said

"Fine, but I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep" she said Laying her head on my shoulder

"Okay" I replied

I laid my head on top of hers and looked at the seat in front of me. I heard light snores coming from Billie and I just looked at her with a smile plastered to my face

"Y/n, are you excited" Finneas whispered, turning around

"Duhh" i said

"Can't wait for you to show us around" he said with a smile

"Same" Claudia joined in

"Me tooo !" I replied

"Get some rest though" he said

"I'll try" I replied

I laid my head back on Billies head and closed my eyes. It took me about 5 minutes to fall asleep.


"Bebe, wake up" I heard a soft voice coming from next to me

"Hm?" Groaned

"We're about to land in Colorado" she sang

"I'm up !" I said shooting up from her shoulder

"You're so cute" billie cooed with a light giggle

"You have a show tonight right ?" I asked

"Yes, but I've set aside a whole entire week of tour, so that way we can spend extra time here." She replied

"Your fans will be so disappointed that you canceled shows for me" I pouted

"I didn't cancel them. I simply postponed them, mamas" she replied

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