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Billies POV

"Billie, y/n. Wake up we have to leave for the venue" i heard my mom said from outside the door as I fluttered my eyes open

I look over to my left and see y/n peacefully sleeping next to me.

"Mamas, it's time to wake up. We have to leave" I said lightly shaking her

"Hm?" She groaned

"The show is in 2 hours and I have soundcheck" I said

"Okay. I'm up" she said sitting up as she rubbed her eyes

"Is my baby tired?" I asked rubbing her back

"A little" she replied

"If you want you can stay-" I started but she quickly cut me off

"No. I'm not kissing your show in my home town. I will never ever miss a show of yours" she said

"But if you're tired-" I started

"No" she said

After y/n fully gets up we head down to the lobby where everyone is already waiting

"Ready to go?" My mom asked

"Yea" everyone said

We head to the Uber and all pile in.

"Since this is your hometown show I had an idea" I started

"Uh oh" y/n teased

"Not cool" I said

"Only joking. What's your idea?" She asked

"You know those box things on the stage that I stand on?" I asked

"Yea" she replied

"What if you hide in one then at the end of the show you come out and we leave the stage together" I continued

"What if you stand on the box and collapses on me" she said

"It won't baby. Please" I begged

"Fine. But will I fit?" She asked

"Duh. You're tiny as fuck" I said

"So you think I'm skinnyyyyyy" she said referring to a tik tok

"Stay off of tik tok" I said

"Never" she said

The car ride was short so we got to the venue in 20 minutes

"Alright we're here" y/n said to me

"I'm coming" I said letting everyone get out first

"Well look at you letting your family out first" she said

"Feeling generous today" I said

We soon walked into the venue through the back entrance so that way fans didn't bombard us.

"To the green room we goooo" I said dragging y/n with me

"Slow down" she said trying to keep up

I barge into the green room already seeing fin and Claudia sitting on the couch

"How'd you guys get here so fast?" I asked

"You let us out first" Finneas said

"Right" I said remembering

I sat down on the couch and pulled y/n onto my lap.

"This show is for you, mamas. I meant it when I said this is your week since we're in your home town" I said looking up at her

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now