Why would you say that

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Billie's POV

Y/n stormed out of my house like we weren't just having a conversation. I get that we were arguing, but we need to be able to work out our problems if we ever want to have a future together. I understand where she is coming from though, this whole things is probably stressing her out. I know it's stressing me out, that's for sure. If those "fans" didn't say anything then we wouldn't even be going through this right now. What's it to them if she was using my money. I know she isn't, but if she was, that's okay. I'm so in love with her, I don't care. I wanna support her and give her everything she wants and if that involves giving her a million dollars, then I will.

Right now I'm currently laying on my bed with my red lights on as the events that just occurred replay in my head. I wish she didn't take things so to heart. I didn't even mean it like that. Now, here I am, in my room sulking like a love struck bitch. I'm sure my mom heard everything. Just then, there's a knock at my bedroom door

"Y/n?" I say just above a whisper

"No, it's me" finneas said coming in

"Dude, go away" I simply said

"No. Mom said you might need someone to talk to. I'm right here. Talk to me" he said

"I don't want to" I said

"Bil, let me help" he said

"I fucked up" I started to tear up

"Calm down, just tell me what happened" he said

"Me and y/n got into an argument" I said

"Okay, okay. Tell me everything from start to finish" he said

"Well, we went live the other night and some people were being mean to her. I ended the live because I didn't want her to have to continue if she felt like shit. Then we talked about it and I was able to calm her down and we fell asleep holding each other. At first everything was okay. We were okay." I said

"Okay, then what happened after that?" He asked

"The next morning I woke up to her doing homework on her MacBook since she's almost done with her senior year. Then the conversation came up about her future career, and that's when it all started" I said

"Okay, tell me what happened next" he said

"I said she didn't need to go to college or anything because I would support her or whatever and she said she wanted to do things in her own. She wanted a career of her own. Like modeling, is what she said" I explained

"She'd be a good model" Finneas said

"Not the point fin. She also said she may want to be a doctor and it made me thing that if she goes to college then she won't make time for me because she'll be too just studying and shit. So she said okay what about modeling and I said why. She explained to me that she had always wanted to model, ever since she was six. Then earlier, before you came. I said that she doesn't need to be famous because I am" I explained

Finneas almost instantly gets this look on his face

"Why would you say that?" He asked

"what?" I asked confused

"Who says 'just because I'm famous doesn't mean you have to be' after an argument" he said

"I- I don't know. It was in the heat of the moment" I said

"I hate to tell you this bil, but you're in the wrong on this one" he said

"What how?" I asked

"She was probably expecting you to be supportive with her decision to get into modeling and then you throw the famous card at her" he said

"Oh shit" I said now realizing

"Yea 'oh shit' you need to apologize" he said

"She doesn't want to see me. She literally stormed out of here like she had just seen a spider" I said

"I would too if you told me that" he said crossing his arms

"Was she crying?" He asked

"She was starting to. Like you know when you get so mad you wanna cry?" I asked

"Yea" he said

"Like that" I said getting quiet

"I didnt want to upset her. I really love her and i would never do anything to hurt her" I added

"I know you love her. Couples fight and argue. It's part of the relationship" he said

"Yea" I said

"That's what makes the relationship stronger. When you fight, you make up. That teaches you to work your problems out" he said

"I've never been in a relationship like this before though so I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing" I said

"And that's okay. You're still learning, but you'll figure it out" he said

The room got silent

"Claudia taught me how to work through things. I couldn't break up with her even if I tried. She'd straight up say no" he said

That caused me me laugh a little

"And I know y/n is the same way. She loves you too much to just leave it at that" he said

"I really love her too fin" I said

"Then go tell her that" he said

"I will" I said

"But don't start saying bullshit. You'll fuck up again" he said

I just looked at him before I spoke

"Okay, I get it fin. I fucked up" I said

"As long as you know" he laughed

"Trust me, I do" I rolled my eyes

"Fix it" he said more sternly

"Okay" I said hanging my head low, now realizing I'm in the wrong

"Now" he said

"Okay, okay" I said getting up

"Thanks fin" I said turning around to hug him

"Of course. Don't forget, you can tell me anything" he said

"I know. I love you" I smiled

"I love you too" he said kissing the top of my head

I started to walk to the front door before my mom stopped me

"Everything okay?" She asked

"Yea. I'll be back soon" I said

"Going to talk to y/n?" She asked

"Yea" I gave a weak smile

"Okay" she smiled

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