I cant do this

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Billie never called back so I assume she just went to sleep because of how tired she was. I throw my legs over my bed and head for the shower. I do my daily routine and get ready. I throw on some leggings and a white t shirt.

Incoming FaceTime
Billie baby ❤️

"Hi bubba" I said with a smile on my face

"Hi mamas, sorry I didn't call, I fell asleep instantly right when I got home" she said bring her nails

"It's okay, I assumed so. How was the party?" I asked

"It-uh it was good" she said stuttering

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing why" she responded

"Well you're biting your nails and you only do that when you're nervous. So what's wrong?" I asked again

"So at the party my friend Q introduced me to some new people and there was this one girl her name is Victoria and everyone knew I have a girlfriend which is you obviously but this chick kept pushing it and Q and the fisher people went to her drinks leaving me and Victoria alone and she kept asking about you but then she came and sat on my lap and it made me uncomfortable then she asked if I was sexually frustrated because i haven't seen you and I said no but then said I have a girlfriend and she out her finger over my mouth and said "shh" then she kissed me" Billie rambled

"Wait she what?" I asked in denial

"She kissed me. Please don't be mad, It wasn't my fault" she said

"Did you kiss back?" I asked

"I-uhh" she said

"Did you. Yes or no?" I started to get angry

"Yes" she said looking down

"Did you like it?" I asked

"No. I had no Idea what was going on" she defended

"But yet you kissed her back. Billie I trusted you." I said getting upset

"I know and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't know what I was doing at all. She knew that I'm dating you" she said

"But you kissed her back Billie" i said starting to cry

"No mamas please don't cry, I'm so so so sorry, let me fix this" she said tears starting to fill in her eyes

"I can't do this right now Bil. I- I don't think I should go back on tour with you. I just need time to think" I said shocking myself

"You don't mean that" she said

"I- I think I do. I need space" I said

"Y/n, please" billie said now both of us crying

"I'm sorry Billie" I said. With that I ended the call and laid on my bed crying.

I shocked not only Billie but myself by saying I need space. I'm not sure we actually broke up. I just said I needed space. I need to think. I trusted Billie Alan's she broke that trust.

Was this girl prettier than me? Did Billie enjoy the kiss? Was I not good enough? Is she sexually frustrated, is that why she did it?

Questions came to my mind without answers. I just stayed in my room all day crying. Thinking about Billie

Billies POV

"Come in" I said to the knock on the other side of my door

"Heyy" Finneas said awkwardly

"Hi" I said a little down wiping my tears

"I'm guessing you told her?" He asked

"Yea.." I said looking at the sheets

"Well what happened?" He asked

"She said she that she doesn't think she should come back on tour with me because she needs space" I explained

"She really said that?" he asked

"Yes" I said

"It's gonna be okay Bil" he said

That small sentence right there is when I broke down

"No it's not. I fucked up" I sobbed

"You made a mistake. Everyone makes them" he said rubbing me back

"I made a big mistake" I said

"It wasn't your fault. She came onto you" he said

"I don't think she believes me" I sobbed some more

"She does. She just needs some time" he said

"I can't even go an hour without talking to her. God I love her some much fin" I explained

"I know. It's gonna be okay. Before you know it. You guys are gonna be back to normal" he said

"You think so?" I asked lifting my head off his shoulder

"I know so" he said with a smile

"Thanks fin" I said

"Of course Billie. I love you and I'm always here" he said

"I know. I love you too. Do you think I should just give her space?" I asked

"Yes" he said

"How much?" I asked

"As much as she needs" he responded

"How do I know when it's enough?" I asked

"She'll call" he said

"I have to wait for her to call?" I asked

"Yes" he responded

"What if she doesn't?" I asked again

"She will Bil" he assured me

"You don't know that" I said

"Trust me. I know. She's in love with you just as much as you're in love with her. If not more" he said

"Okay" i said with a sly smile

As Finneas got up to head for the door, I stopped him

"Can you just stay in in here with me for a little?" I asked

"Of course" he said coming back over to the bed

"Thank you" I said smiling at him

"I love you so much Billie. You're the best sister I could ever ask for" he said kissing the top of my head

"I love you too fin. Thank you for always having my back with everything" i said leaning my head on his shoulder

"Being your brother is all I ever wanted to be" he said

"I love you" I said kissing his cheek

"I love you too. Go to sleep if you want, I'll stay here" he said

"What a hour Claudia?" I asked

"She knows where I am" he said

"Okay" I responded

I fell asleep with my head on finneas's shoulder, my eyes swollen and my cheeks red.

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