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"Rise and shine, girls" Maggie said opening the curtain to everyone's bunks

"Ughh" Billie groaned

"Good morning everyone" Finneas said

"Good morning guys" I said

"Yea, yea, yea" Billie said sounding tired

"Hi guys!" Claudia said with too much energy

"Why the fuck does everyone have so much energy?" Billie asked

"Because we go to bed at a decent time" Maggie teased

"I went to bed fairly early and I'm still tired" Billie said

"All of us are" I said

"We have a flight at 7:00 tonight to Washington which means we have to be at the airport at 5 0'clock just to be on the safe side" Patrick said

"Okay" everyone said except Billie

"Bro the fuck, why at 5? TSA doesn't take that long" Billie complained

"You never know" Maggie said

Then suddenly my phone started ringing

You bold your mom underlined



"Yea mom what's up?"

"Your father he's in the hospital" she said worried

"What- why" I asked

"This morning he- he collapsed while vacuuming and we don't know why" she explained

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked

"We're not sure yet honey, would you like to come to the hospital, we can get you flight out here" my mom said

"I- yes, let me let billie know" I said

"Okay honey, see you soon" she said before she hung up

"Billie!" I called out

"Yea mamas?" She asked

"Come here" I said

"Coming" she said walking towards me

"I have to go back to LA" I said

"W-why are you breaking up with me?" She asked

"Awee, no bubba, I'm not, but my dad, he's in the hospital" I explained

"Oh shit is he okay?" She asked

"We don't know" I answered

"Shit, what happened if you don't mind me asking" she asked again

"No, it's okay, you can ask" I said

"I guess he collapsed like vacuuming and no one knows why" I continued

"Shit, what the fuck. Do you want me to get you a flight?" She asked

"No, my mom said she'd get me a flight" I said

"No, I'm buying you a flight" Billie protested

"No-" before i can finish Billie showed me that she bought it

"Do you want me to file with you?" She asked

"No, you have to do tour" I said

"I can postpone a few days" she said

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now