Special Chapter: Ghosted (Part 5)

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On the other hand...

"A date? Who says I'll date that Choi Yena?" Yuri says, defensively.

"I do. Come on, Mom. I know you still love her. And for old time's sake, I guess? A simple dinner date wouldn't hurt you know. And if you really think that it's over for you guys, just consider this your closure. Do this for me and for yourself. Mom? Please?" Yeri acted cutely in front of her mother.

Yuri isn't really sure whether she's ready to talk to Yena again. Not the small talks that they've been doing now. The kind of 'talk' that they've been trying to avoid ever since they broke up.

"It's been what? Seven years? Come on, unnie. This would help you guys answer every question you have in your head. Isn't this a really great opportunity?"

"Yuna, sweetie, I knew you planned this along with your Aunt Yujin. Don't meddle with adult problems, okay?" Yena told her daughter.

"Mom, I don't have to be an adult to know that you're hurting every single day because you are still carrying the weight of your past. I just wanted to help you let go and move on. Is that wrong?" Yuna was on the verge of crying but she's trying so hard not to.

"It's just that... I don't think she would even want to talk to me after all these years." Yena said, sighing.

"Don't worry about that, Mom. Aunt Yuri's gonna come. I believe Yeri will be able to persuade her to. You just have to show yourself in the location tomorrow, okay? Mom? Please? For your lovely daughter, Yuna? I promise I'll be a better daughter to you. Please?" Yuna said, holding her Mom's hand with that tiny hands of hers.

"Alright. How else could I refuse when you have already used that signature puppy eyes of yours. Come here, give me a hug." The two hugged.

"And Yuna, sweetie?"

"Yes Mom?"

"Let's get you out of that dance class, shall we? Let's also enroll you to a piano class. Of course, only if you want to."

"Really, Mom?"

"Really. I just realized, I should stop dictating you of what you should become and start supporting you of what you wanted to be. That's what parents should do, after all."


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Have I told you you're the best Mom in the world? If I haven't then I'll tell you now: Choi Yena, you're the bestest Mom in the world!"

"Just don't hide things from me from now on, okay? I'll also try to communicate with you more often and have my presence be felt always."

"Don't worry too much, Mom. Like I said, I understand you."

"And have I told you you're the best daughter in the world? If I haven't then, Choi Yuna you're the bestest daughter in the world!"


It was the day of the dinner date. Yuri was particularly early—well, maybe a bit too early on the meeting place. She decided to be there ahead of time so that she could practice the speech that she had prepared from last night.

It was fifteen minutes before the scheduled date. She heard the door opened so she turned her head towards its direction only to be disappointed because it wasn't Yena who entered.

An hour later and still, Yena is no where to be found.

'Is she ghosting me again?'

He phone rang. She was expecting that it was Yena but it was Yujin who called.

"Yuri-unnie, is Yena-unnie there already?

"No, why?"

"Has she contacted you already?"

"No, should I call her now?"

"Have you heard of an accident near the restaurant where you and Yena were supposed to meet?"

"How could I possibly know about that?"

Yuri was growing more and more anxious because of the way Yujin's voice sounded.

"I just saw her car in the news. I couldn't clearly identify the injured body but I am certain that it was unnie's car. And it was full of blood." Yujin was crying already on the other line.

Yuri immediately ended the call and dialed Yena's number with shaky hands. After three rings, her call was connected to the other line.

"Thank God, you answered. I was getting paranoid here, you know." Yuri said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Uhm, Aunt Yuri? Sorry, this is Yuna. Mom dozed off while preparing herself for your date because she hasn't gotten a decent sleep from last night, so she was kinda late and she forgot her phone. Do you need her phone?" Yuna asked innocently on the other line.

"She...she's not there? Y-Your Mom's n-not there?" Yuri said, her voice cracking.

"Yes, Aunt Yuri. Why? What's wrong? Isn't she supposed to be there already?"

Yuri dropped her phone on the floor and she cried loudly, not minding the judging stares that she got from the people in the restaurant. 

A/N: We're going angst T.T

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