Special Chapter: Ghosted (Part 2)

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"Mom, are you okay? Wait, are you crying?" Yuna said worriedly, holding the hand of her mom.

"I'm fine baby. Let's just go home, okay?" Yena said, carrying her daughter in her arms towards their car.

Days passed and Yena had become really busy handling their family business that she even forget about the talk that she had with Yujin about the expulsion thing. Yuna was left under the care of her nanny, driver and butler.

In the past, she would be really sad during times like these because her Mom couldn't give her the care and attention that she wants but it was different these days. She had a newfound friend; Yuri's daughter, Yeri.

"I told you, I really suck at dancing. Mom's never mad at me, but I always see her disappointed face whenever she sees how I moved during my dance classes. Must've been nice being good at everything. You'll never have to worry how would you make your mom proud of you." Yuna said.

"That's why I'm here! I'll teach you so that you could pass our practical exams! And it's fine even if you're not good in dancing! I saw you singing and I thought you were really great, you know. I'm your fan now!" Yeri said.

"Really? But Mom said I should focus on my dancing. I think she wouldn't like it if I would have singing as my other hobby since that would further divide my attention."

"But she's your Mom, Yuna. I think she's gonna support you! I mean, my Mom's always been supportive when I told her about my hobbies."

"But my Mom is different from yours, Yeri. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom so much but she just isn't...really that open-minded about things. Especially about singing. She's been avoiding it like a plague"

"I still think you should try talking to her though. But don't worry, I won't force you. Just always remember that I'm always here, okay? Hmmm... to cheer you up, how about you come with me and my Mom's pastry date today? We do that once in a while. It isn't that far from here and we have so much time left before your driver arrives since we were dismissed early today."

"Sounds good to me."

Yuri arrived to fetch Yeri up and she gladly took Yuna with them when her daughter told her that she invited the other kid over.

"You could order as much cake as you want, Yuna! Mom owns this bakeshop. So don't be shy okay?"

"Okay! Though I think I would only order a slice. Mom said too much sweet is bad for my teeth. Though you know, I always caught her devouring anything sweet whenever her business partners are stressing her out." Yuna chuckled.

"Wow, so that side of her didn't change after all these years. She's still a sucker for sweets" Yuri thought to herself, coming out from the kitchen, approaching the little girls on their table bringing the menu with her.

"That's right. Listen to her, Yeri. You always tell me it's gonna be the last slice and yet after finishing one you're still asking for more." Yuri said, pinching the cheeks of her daughter.

"But I know you wouldn't be able to resist my cuteness, Mom." Yeri said, acting adorably in front of Yuri.

While looking at the two, a thought came into Yuna's mind.

"Aunt Yuri, I realized this just now, but you look awfully familiar." Yuna said, as she continued to study Yuri's face. And just like having her Eureka moment,

"That's right, you look like the lady in my Mom's wallet! Only that you have a curly long hair in it. I tried asking her who that person is, but she just told me that 'she' was an important person of her past. She looked serious so I didn't bother pushing the topic. By any chance, do you know my Mom, Aunt Yuri?" Yuna asked, curiosity is written all over her face.

"Now that I think about it, hey Mom, I also saw a picture of a woman in your wallet and it looks exactly just like Yuna's Mom! Well, she had a purple hair there but yeah. They look awfully the same. Care to explain, Mom?" Yeri has a teasing look on her face

"She was—"

"YulYen, huh. And a picture of me in your wallet? Didn't know you're still into me after all these years, Joyyul." A woman in a suit, approaching the table of the three said.

"Oh, don't be too full of yourself, Choi. I only used "YulYen" because uhhh... I didn't have a choice you know. Kkura and Chaeyeon, those two lovebirds told, or might I say threatened me that they wouldn't invest in my bakeshop if I wouldn't use that name." Yuri said rolling her eyes, annoyed of the other's arrogance.

"And for the record, Yuna here told me that you're also keeping my picture in your wallet. Whipped culture, eh?" It was Yuri's turn to smile smugly.

Yena looked embarrassed by that. She immediately eyed her daughter who is now giggling, and the little girl just gave her a 'peace' sign. She then coughed to get her composure back.

"I-I have long d-disposed of that thing, what are you s-saying?" Yena tried to maintain her calmness but she failed.

"Oh Mom, don't lie. You told me lying is bad. I just saw that picture this morning when you left your wallet on the breakfast table." Yena's eyes got bigger, she then looked at her daughter again and mouthed 'we'll talk at home'.

"Oh my god, don't threaten your own daughter Choi." Yuri said, laughing her heart out seeing how flustered Yena was.

"Just say you're still whipped for me and go." Yuri jokingly said.

"What if I am?" Yena whispered while coming for her daughter's hand and dragging her towards the restaurant's entrance.

"Come again?" Yuri asked for she did not hear what Yena said.

"Aunt Yuri, Mom said—skjakjddasksk" Yena placed her hand on her daughter's mouth to stop her from saying anything.

"Let's g-go Yuna before you could even utter another sentence." With her back facing Yuri, Yena added,

"By t-the way, this is k-kidnapping, you know. Let's s-see each other in the c-court Ms. Jo."

"Don't worry about Mom, Aunt Yuri, she's just making an excuse to meet you more often." Yuna said as she run towards their car, with her Mom trying to get a hold of her.

When Yena and Yuna have left the restaurant, Yeri said. "Mom, you lied. You told me you used YulYen because it reminded you of your greatest love. Aunt Kkura and Aunt Chaeng never threatened you into using this name, right?"

Yuri just smiled at her daughter. "I'm sorry, that wasn't really a good example. I just thought that would help me escape the awkward situation." Yuri said, patting the head of her daughter.

"You still love her, don't you, Mom? When I asked you why you picked me among the other children in the orphanage, you said I remind you of someone. It's her, right?" Yeri said.

"I never stopped loving her, you know. I have confirmed that after meeting her that one time in your school.

But I guess our breakup was really the end of our story. It was a good one, though. I never regret meeting her." Yuri said smiling, but her eyes say the otherwise.

"Mom, can you tell me why you too had broken up?" Yeri, with her tiny hands, caress Yuri's cheeks which made the latter's tears flow freely.

"She... ghosted me." Yuri answered.


"Can you tell me once again why you decided not to talk to her again, Yena-unnie?"

"Yujin, I've already told you this so many times. That woman, Jo Yuri,ghosted me. 

A/N: We still have a long way to go but I'm gonna stop here tonight since it's already late. 

Ps. So who ghosted who? Who's your pick? Haha 

The Female Cupid [COMPLETED] (YulYen/HyeYul/SsamYul)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora