Chapter 6: First Date (?)

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Hey, Cupid:

Is there a specific span of time for one to be certain to that he/she had successfully moved on from the past? Does it take weeks? Months? Or perhaps years? Or is it that indefinite moment wherein you realize that the memories, despite still being there, doesn't pain you anymore?


Chaewon's POV

I told Yuri that I would not join her in her volunteer work because I'm not good at crowds. While that holds a bit of truth, that is not the main reason why I rejected Yuri's offer. I did not want to worry Yuri anymore so I hid this from her, because I wanted her to focus on what she would do right now.

I was summoned to the mansion for a courtesy call. My grandfather, the head of the family, is already on his deathbed and my relatives are very much busy right now regarding the finalization of the transfer of assets for the inheritance. Not that I care about it that much. Ever since I was young, I never meddled with the family business even if technically, I could also be a candidate to be the heir given that my father was the original successor of the business. Also, no matter what they would do, they would not be able to deny the fact that the blood of the Kims still runs through my veins.

However, it's enough for me that they give me everything I need to live comfortably. I really don't care about their riches and their power. After all, it is only Yuri that I cared about the most. For as long as I can stay at Yuri's side, nothing else matters.

They were telling me to sign a document regarding me giving up the claim for the company in exchange for getting the financing enough for me to go on with my life comfortably. I obediently did so.

"I'm glad you cooperated with us. But it's just the right thing to do isn't it? Without your father here, you technically should not have even a little share from our wealth. Be thankful that we're doing you charity." They told me after signing the document.

I did not bother answering them. That would just create unnecessary drama. I have long accepted that the Kims would never treat me as someone who's truly a part of the family. I will always be that unwanted child that they 'generously' took in out of fear that I would cause trouble.

"I've done what you wanted me to do. Now, can I leave already?"

"Yeah, sure. It's not as if we wanted your presence here in the first place."

That took quite a long time because the family's legal counsel had explained everything that the family needs to know to which I didn't really bother listening to.

I was driving when I came across a shop selling boxes of mochi. I decided to buy one for Yuri since it's her favorite, specifically the chocolate flavored ones. She might be exhausted from doing the volunteer work and she might need a little sugar to be energized.

I already arrived at the venue but I couldn't find Yuri. I asked the staffs for her whereabouts and they told me they saw her going towards the direction of the playground with another girl.

'She's with someone? Who is it? Is she trustworthy for Yuri to come with her? I already told her not to entertain someone suspicious.' I immediately run towards the direction of the playground. I saw two figures in the swing, a girl sitting, which is definitely Yuri (because I've already memorized her figure so I know it was her even without seeing her face) and a girl standing (whose figure looks somehow familiar), pushing the swing for Yuri.

"Yuri! I'm already here. Let's go home." I shouted as I continue striding towards them. The two then faced me. 'That girl... She's the one who carried Yuri in the hospital. The girl who I always see whenever I'm watching Yuri's competition. And most importantly, the girl who tried to kiss Yuri.'

The Female Cupid [COMPLETED] (YulYen/HyeYul/SsamYul)Where stories live. Discover now