Chapter 27: Begin Again (Part 1)

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Hey, Cupid:

Just how can a person begin again without getting lost? Just how can one walk a path she never imagined she would be walking on?


Chaewon's POV

This was it. I already left her. I have to start anew...I have to, even if I don't have any fuckin' idea how will I be able to do it, honestly. I actually, don't have any plans for myself here. I just decided on a whim that I have to leave the Philippines or else Yuri...


...would not be able to return to her old self.

It was hard of course; this was my first time leaving home. But I would talk to myself, saying that I'm not a little kid anymore and I shouldn't rely on Yuri all my life. I have to be a stronger person. I have to learn how to survive without her so that I wouldn't be part of her burdens anymore.

I did my own research last night, book my tickets and look for a place I can buy to stay in. Funny how I was so broken and devastated last night but I managed to accomplish all that.

I knew I have to do that last night. Because if I didn't, I might have doubts about my decisions, I might end up getting scared again, I might...choose to stay by her side even if I know it would just hurt her...

...and I might prioritize myself instead of her.

So, here I am, at Incheon International Airport, already getting my luggage. I was busy checking whether I missed something when I hear a commotion near me. It was a girl with a pink hair, same as mine, arguing with a middle-aged man who seems to be a foreigner as well.

"Hey, Mister Pervert. I've noticed you since a while ago and your hands keep on touching my legs. You must have thought that I'm an easy girl, but well, let me tell you something, I am not and I will definitely report this harassment to the police." The girl said, dialing a number on her phone.

"This is clearly your fault for wearing such revealing clothes. Look at what you're wearing? You're definitely inviting men to touch you. I just gave you what you want. And what? You're calling the police? As if I'd let you." The man said, holding the girl's wrist stopping her from making a call.

"Eh gago ka pala eh! Wearing clothes that shows a girl's skin isn't an invitation for harassment!" The girl was trying to free herself from the man's grip but he was much stronger.

Since nobody seems to care, especially the locals, I decided I should help the girl. I can see a certain someone in her...someone who taught me that lesson about women dressing up for themselves. I called the nearest security guard that I saw and reported the scene to him.

"Let go of her." I told the man firmly, with a serious look on my face.


Clearly a weakling, he could only start a fight with a girl but he got scared when we interrupted this little show of him.

The man let go of the girl's hands and furiously walked away.

"Thank you for helping us." I bowed at the security guard. He did the same and went back to his station.

"Pota naman, why did you help me? Kaya ko ang sarili ko."

"Wait, miss. Look, I just went out of my way to help you and I would receive such treatment?"

"You can understand Filipino? Well, whatever. The point still stands, I did not ask for your help. Look, he got away before I could even report him."

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