Special Chapter: Ghosted (Part 3)

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"Yujin, I've already told you this so many times. That woman, Jo Yuri, ghosted me.  We were in the most difficult part of our relationship because she just told me that her family's leaving, and we've been fighting every day because of petty thing so I asked her to meet up with me to try and fix things between us and she just...decided to ghost me.

Isn't that an enough reason for me not to chase after her anymore? After all, it was always me who tries to mend our relationship.

She's just too busy finding herself that she never realized she's starting to lose me in the process."

"So you never really tried hearing each other's reason right? You really didn't have a proper closure, right unnie?"

"Yujin, I've already told you that so many times. And I think we're better off without each other. She's happy with her life. I'm happy with mine."

"Yena-unnie, really? You're happy with yours? You're fully aware that you still call her name whenever you're dead drunk, right? And come on, you can't even spend much time with Yuna because you always want to burry yourself in a lot of work just so your mind wouldn't think of her and her whereabouts."

"So what if I still do? Life is complicated, Yujin. I can't just chase after her again after all these years, make a fool out of myself for the nth time just because of love."

"Unnie, it isn't love if it's not foolishness."

"Yeah right. And look at what that foolishness has brought me."

"Okay, I get it. But at least try to seek for closure? So that you could both finally move on with your lives?"

"I don't know if I could really talk to her again without breaking down. I just...don't wanna show my vulnerable self again. I'm just so done with that phase of my life. I'm done being stupid."

"Calm yourself down. Oh, and by the way, the parent's day would be held the day after tomorrow. You promised your daughter that you would attend it, right? You wouldn't just leave Yuna behind just because there's a high possibility that you'll see Yuri-unnie there, right? Come on. I really pitty Yuna whenever she says she's fine being there with her nanny instead of you, her Mom. Be a good Mom and attend the activity, okay?"

Yena sighed and looked at her sleeping daughter. She knew very well that she's lacking as a mother to Yuna.

You see, Yuna is both Yena's strength and kryptonite. The little girl had reminded her so much of Yuri, her greatest but failed love that she immediately processed her adoption papers the moment she laid her eyes on the kid.

However, seeing her also makes the blonde reminisce their moments in the past—both the sweet and the bitter ones. She just ends up getting lost in those memories involuntarily—like it was the rightest place to be at the moment.

"Closure, huh."


"What? Mom said your Mom ghosted her! I heard her talking to Aunt Yujin over the phone last night!" Yuna said, clearly baffled of what she had heard from Yeri.

"But Mom said it was your Mom who ghosted her. I even heard her crying last night because maybe she was reminded of that memory again." Yeri defensively said.

"What? So who really ghosted who? I mean, Mom sounded so serious last night, I'd say she's a good actress if she's lying." Yuna said, getting more and more confused.

"I've seen Mom's eyes and I could easily tell she's still suffering from the pain of the past. I don't think she could straight up lie about that."

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