"Kick the ungrateful ass out." Miller said from his spot on the bed as he picked up the book from the beside table. He had asked Maya if they had a copy of 'Great Expectations' since it was Lawrence's birthday coming up soon and Maya got it to him yesterday.

When he heard Lawrence crying to herself late last night, he climbed down from the top bunk and held her whilst reading 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens, he told her that it was meant to be her birthday present but he wanted to cheer her up. It was a book that Miller's father had strongly recommended to the boy and suggested to get it for Lawrence birthday. So when Lawrence turned thirteen he traded in a old jacket that his father had gotten him to get the girl the book and now it all felt kinda full circle knowing that they could read it with one another again now.

"Right now, the biggest threat to us is you." Clarke seemed taken back by Jasper's harsh words as he walked off.

"Look, Clarke. I know you're scared. I know what you're going through-" Lawrence began, she reached forward to place her hand on the girls shoulder comfortingly. She and Clarke may not have always seen eye to eye but they needed to trust one another, now more than ever.

"No. No you don't. I lost Finn." Clarke snapped cutting the girl off. "Who did you loose?"

"Clarke." Miller shouted angrily at the girl, as he threw the book down on the bed and stood up, ready to defend Lawrence.

Lawrence angrily scoffed, "I fucking lost Bellamy."

Her eyes then flickered to Bellamy, who was stood beside Jasper shaking his head. She closed her eyes and shook her head, she knew that he wasn't real. He wasn't actually there. But even after closing her eyes and shaking her head, he was still stood there with a soft smile. He walked over to Lawrence and wrapped his arms around her small waist, pulling her deep into his chest.

You didn't loose me, he whispers.

You're right. Bellamy's here with me.

"Miller?" Miller hummed in response. "Will you continue reading to me?" She questioned softly as she sat down on the bottom bunk that she had claimed. Miller nodded, sitting back down on the bed and began reading to the girl. He allowed her to lay between his legs, her head resting on his chest as he flicked through the pages of the book to read to her.

Lawrence closed her eyes as she listened to Miller's soothing voice read to her. If she kept her eyes closed for long enough, she could hear Bellamy's voice.

"'I'll tell you,' said she, in the same hurried passionate whisper, 'what real love is. It is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your whole heart and soul to the smiter- as I did!'" Miller read and she hated herself a little because she so desperately just wanted Miller to be Bellamy.

Lawrence couldn't help but think about Bellamy, about how that boy basically had her wrapped around his little finger. She would do anything for him, without a second thought or a flicker of doubt. She missed him badly and when she saw him again she would tell him exactly how she felt.

You won't see him again, he's dead.


No he's not.

He can't be.

But he is.


Who do you thinks gonna win?

Lawrence looked up to Bellamy with an innocent smile, causing dimples. A few of the delinquents were gathered around Miller and Jones as they arm wrestled. Since this morning's conversation with Clarke she had tried to distract herself from whatever problems Clarke had and tried to relax for the first time since been on the ground.

Miller for sure, Bellamy says.

I agree.

I hate that we can't spend my birthday together.

But we are? Bellamy questions.

Yeah, I guess.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I miss you.

"You saw me less than an hour ago, Wren." Monty chuckled, patted the girls arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. Lawrence's heart skipped a beat, she thought he was Bellamy. That she was resting her head on Bellamy's shoulder. She felt her throat tighten and her hands become clammy.

"Oh, sorry." She spoke softly. "I-" Lawrence was cut off by Miller cheering because he won the arm wrestle.

I told you, Bellamy chuckles.

Of course he won.

Miller pointed towards Lawrence and the pair did a small victory dance. Lawrence giggled and shook her head at how stupid they must have looked to the other delinquents, but in that carefree moment, she didn't care.

"I won, Daisy Wick, I won." Miller grabbed the girls hand and span her around, his hand gripped her waist and pulled her in to his chest. He danced her around the room with a grin. Back on the ark, Miller used to teach Lawrence how to dance, claiming that one day when he could take her to a dance, that she'd need to know. Unfortunately, Kyle constantly reminded them that Wren wouldn't be able to go to a dance or she'd be floated. So, from then on the dancing was just a dream the pair had.

You look happy, Bellamy whispers.

I'd be happy with you, Bell.

Please come back to me.

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