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Yash already had guessed the cause of Bhargav's 'sights' but he never liked to speak out his guesses and it seemed that after turning into human , Bhargav's wild guesses did not work anymore . After Lady Amrita's calm explanation , Lady Shweta reminded all of them about their plan to leave .

But Bhargav's comment made them freeze ;
"Yeah , you all can leave now. I'm going to give company to my friend in his lunch date ."

Though Yash should be the one to react first , Lady Shweta interfered with a firm and raging tone
"you are not allowed to go outside of this room until you learn to control your vision ."

Everyone stayed silent , but Bhargav doubled his voice and firmly said
"I didn't ask for anyone's permission here . I need to see my brother and that's all . If sister Shweta is worried about my uncontrollable future telling then I can assure her that I know how to keep my mind and actions locked ."

It was indeed true that no one really ever could assume his actions beforehand ; even the Lady of Knowledge herself was proud of his abilities . But this time he was not a divine being anymore , only a human with a superpower . Moreover he was going to show up in front of Darshan who at that moment could see through any normal human mind .

Lady Shweta was not worried for no reasons , as she knew in this one week her son already had learned to compose himself in these situations and she figured out that he could not read her mind nor Yash's . Though she was relieved about it , Bhargav's matter was different and she was afraid that if both of the brothers' actions brought a huge change , it would be a catastrophe again .

Calming down a bit , she said
"I know you are enough contolled to shut your mind . But Darshan will be there and for your sake I should let you know that he is now capable of seeing through human minds ."

Bhargav's eyes widened as he looked at Yash who just nodded to confirm it . There was one more question hidden in his stare which Yash understood that he was asking if Darshan could read his mind too and when Yash shook his head , everything became clear to him . Lady Shweta's relaxed features and Lady Amrita's inquiry of his vision about Yash sank into his brain and he knew he really had become similar to his brother in mortal realm .

Bhargav still kept his decision unchanged and said
"Thank you for your warning, sister . But when I said I was going that still means I'm going ."

That was all he said and an irritated Lady Shweta left immediately , Aayudh gave him a courageous smile while Lady Amrita gave a thumbs up and then they also left . Yash was dumbstruck with Bhargav's such decision but did not nag as he had to give Bhargav a comfortable atmosphere in his state of mind . He just gave Bhargav a pair of clothes which Lady Shweta had arranged for him a week ago to merge with his human life .

There was still fifteen minutes left before the scheduled lunch date , a tall , slender man was waiting infront of the restaurant at First Corner Point . His slightly paled fair complexion was shouting out from the casual long sleeved black shirt and black jeans ; his light brown eyes were continuously scanning the bus stop , just few steps away , he seemed agitated of waiting for someone .

A call entered his cellphone , when he received it a very tender female voice was heard
"they will be there in few seconds , wait a little bit ."

He replied "thank you my Lady for informing . I was about to leave . Even now I'm not sure if I can face both of them ."

A soft chuckle was heard from the other side , the woman said
"where is the courage of the Lord of Karma ? Huh !? You can do it Shanath , don't worry . I hope one of them will be overwhelmed to see you there and about the other person , I can't say ."

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