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Lord Anthraj did not care about the surroundings , nor the fact that he was in his human form , he just vanished himself into thin air . When he materialised in his apartment at No. 1 Braj Avenue , luckily Manohar wasn't present there or he would have been scared to death instantly . When Yash was in the hospital , he had seen all TV news channels were reporting about some strange cyclone in the Garh Forest , so he knew where Manohar was .

He had just turned to his room , when he felt another presence in there .

Very cautiously , when he opened the door , a female voice came from the closed window side ,
"You're finally here . I should leave now ."

The whole room was in dim darkness as he always kept it , and he didn't need to ask for her identity .

His mind was in turmoil , yet he managed to keep his voice even and said ,
"I didn't expect you to be here , Rajani . So Lady Shweta had enough courage to trust you ."

The darkness couldn't hide Lady Rajani's pained expression from her elder brother . It was indeed awkward for the Lord of Death as he barely kept any emotional attachments with his siblings . Even the fact that Lady Rajani was his twin sister didn't help anything .

Keeping that matter aside , he noticed the gradually thickening smell of death coming from the bed . It was not necessary for him to see the person to know his condition . He looked at it anyway and it seemed that the person laid on the bed was barely alive . The only thing urged into Lord Anthraj was revenge , but on whom ? On his own brother, a brother who always brought shame on the Shinnai siblings ? A brother who was always ready to gain his own interests, a brother who never cared for any living things apart from himself ?

Lady Rajani sensed the dark hue filling in the room which was absolutely not good at that moment , she could have stayed silent but the murderous aura coming from her elder brother was not helpful for the other person , lying there .

She tried her best to keep her voice straight and firm
"My Lord , the aura coming from you is not suitable for Lord Bhargav in this condition ."

When realisation struck in his brain , he tried to calm himself down , only for the sake of his best friend . He suddenly remembered that he didn't know the details of the battle at the NORMS CAFE , or how Bhargav ended up being almost dead .

He looked at Rajani and thought if she witnessed every details , more accurately things from the perspective of his brother . Surprisingly , in that small bit of silence Rajani knew what was going on in her elder brother's mind .

She took a long breathe and said
"I know , my Lord . From both perspectives ."

Lord Anthraj relaxed and let his sister to explain everything . When she finished with Shanath's expressions and his utter regrets , Lord Anthraj was quite awestruck . Rajani knew since his elder brother never kept any connection with this brother of hers , he would not know how strong Shanath's emotions were . Moreover her keeping this short connection with her first younger brother , made her elder brother to lose trust on her.

Rajani's description did not help anything with the growing insanity in the mind of normally stable minded Lord Anthraj . He was beyond making any sense in all of those incidents . Why in the name of Naarook , Bhargav believed in Shanath ? After all being aware of what catastrophes he could create . More confusing was Shanath's reactions and explanations to clarify the whole freaking misunderstanding . He couldn't decide whom to blame anymore or on whom he could take revenge .

Sometimes he blamed himself for the miserable conditions of his siblings . As the Lord of Death , he was more frequent with the deads , until one person taught him emotions , yet that person's absence in these thousands of years made him the same person again , he miserably failed in taking care of his siblings . He waited and waited with carrying out his responsibilities until one day the light of his life , that person again returned to existence and what he got in that instance ? Exile , again among the deads . If Bhargav couldn't convince him to stay on the human world , he would have stayed like that forever .

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