39. The Return of The Fate Lord

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As the dagger pierced through his palm, Shanath felt a cold touch on his shoulder, his eyes met with Bhargav's apologetic ones and he gave a brave assuring smile. Bhargav gave a small nod to Lady Divya to indicate that the reaction of the Celestial Silver had started within him.

Again looking back at Shanath, he wanted to tell something but a strange kind of numbness spread through his body. He felt like he had no control over his own limbs, his vision turned into a blurry mess and suddenly he fell on the ground and darkness engulfed his all senses.

What Shanath registered was a cold thing creeping through his veins, it was not causing any pain or uncomfort rather it felt like a slow poison. First came the itchiness on his skin; no it was not on his skin, it was within his veins which was increasing by every passing seconds. The itchiness spread through his every organs, and he felt as if his heart was suddenly lit up, and it was burning into a blazing inferno.

Then the dryness in his nostrils, throat and lungs made his breathing fast as if he was being suffocated, his eyes were blurred with tears. A simple stab could never cause such an unbearable pain to him unless it was the fatal Celestial Silver.

An inhumane scream pierced through the totally silent cave, and the scream made his brain dizzy, and the nauseating feeling kept increasing. He looked everywhere only to assure himself if his vision was clear or not, but what he witnessed totally shocked him; he was not seeing the blindingly white cave anymore.

He was in middle of a some kind of battlefield. He saw himself chasing after some scattered people, the scene changed drastically, he was infront of a huge gate which seemed to be a entrance of a grand city and the scene changed again. He was tightly holding his sword, his hands were bloodstained, he seemed to stab someone to death, then his vision started to swirling in a mix of various colours and his ears were ringing with voices, whispers even screams.

He screamed again, desperately trying to silence the terrible visions of which he had never witnessed, a gut feeling rose within him; were those his past memories? His scream made his hearing a bit clearer, he could hear the other three talking about something.

Lady Divya's voice sounded like whisper, she said "my Lords! What kind of past does the Karma Lord have? ! It's so..."

Before she could complete, Shanath's eyes and ears started to stop working, few seconds later he felt like he was falling into an endless pit of darkness and to his own dismay he was not ready to face another traumatised darkness, instinctively he closed his eyes tight.

Aayudh caught his second senior brother gently before Shanath could hit the floor roughly, it seemed like the final toll of the Celestial Silver came on him pretty hard, though in Lady Amrita's opinion Shanath had endured well. Making the unconscious body of the two lie in a comfortable posture, Aayudh started to dress the wounds on their palms.

Lady Amrita kept her eyes focused on Shanath's face, she was making sure if Shanath's body was in some kind of discomfort. The more she watched the lifeless body lying infront of her, the more her expressions became agitated.

Lady Divya's voice brought back her senses.
"My Lady, I'll be watching them, do not worry much."

Lifting her eyes from the ground, Lady Amrita looked at an assuring and concerned Divya.
Giving a nervous smile, she said "How can I not worry when they will be suffering with a life and death game? I'm not going to mention the trauma, the Karma Lord is going through."

Bandaging Bhargav's palm, Aayudh replied "second senior brother seemed to be mentally unstable a bit but now he is relaxed or maybe he has reached the place where I can not feel through him."

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