36 : "Yash? Or my Lord?"

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Dedicated to ShwetaKumari426

Darshan was running for his life through the roads into the dark under-construction subway, and the spirit chasing after him, caught his throat, tightly choking him. A black whip, shimmering with a golden light, yanked the spirit harshly to the opposite wall, and a man in golden black robe, face hooded, radiating the fierce aura of Death, turned the spirit into a black doll.

Then turning to Darshan, as the man bowed, he noticed the blue veins almost bursting out from the little yellowish tinted fair skin in anger, a black skull sign appeared over the man's head to announce the presence of the Death Lord.

Suddenly Darshan found himself enjoying the gentle breeze of the 'Garden of Eternal Dusk'. A tall, well built man in a golden black robe sat beside him, wounding his hand around Darshan, he gave a light kiss on Darshan's cheek and a glowing Darshan turned his head to the person beside him, who was none other than Yash.

His little yellowish tint on his fair skin was sparkling almost golden in the powerless sunshine, his sharp yet deep golden brown eyes were giving away the sparks of the power residing within the man. His ear-length coal black hair and the slightly brown pink lips adorned his features to make him more attractive.

Then Darshan again found himself beside Yash, on his jeep, again admiring the almost unworldly handsome man. The yellowish tint on Yash's fair skin was glowing in the fresh morning sun, making it almost golden. His coal black hair was not messy but neatly combed either, Darshan was mesmerised.

Then he saw the affection, the love, a longing, a yearning for him was sparkling into those golden brown eyes as if those eyes waited for a time beyond measurement, only to held the person in front of it, in its depth.

That's when Darshan's phone's alarm started ringing loudly and Darshan opened his eyes which he had to keep blinking for a few times to adjust with the dark hostel room; so it was a dream again. The day was Sunday and he had no class but that did not mean he was free all day.

He had to do his part time job, teaching in the coaching centre; two continuous classes in the morning and one extra class in the afternoon after a quick lunch. At lunch, he came to know that it was the last day of Bhargav's vacation and that night he would leave Utkalgarh, so he agreed to treat Darshan a goodbye dinner and of course Darshan was looking forward to it.

Waking up with heavily drooping eyes, he loudly groaned; how could he have fallen asleep in such a short time? He saw the time and it was almost seven, he had to ready his essays and only two hours were left for dinner and two more hours to curfew, he realised that he was beyond any calming situation.

Hurrying up, he sat on his study table and started to do his homework which he had ignored since Saturday evening, like something had gotten into him and he had no mood to study, very tiring situation.

Rampaging through the book self and some papers, almost scribbling the gist of whatever he had listened half consciously in the lectures, he was finished with the task. He was not to be blamed for his condition right? Who could concentrate to the blubbering of the professors when the whole class was shouting within his mind? More to add he had more important things to resolute himself than the texts of his syllabus.

It was fifteen minutes past nine, when he made his way out of the campus gate and immersed into the half lighted University Lane. The cold weather seemed to be fading gradually, there was no night wind or gust of light breeze, he realised that he was suddenly interested into the weather.

Whereas the most important matter in his mind should be the familiar yet unknown, safe yet hidden unworldly aura which was strangely absent in his surrounding. When finally it struck his mind, he stopped on his track and looked everywhere only to feel the sudden loneliness.

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