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When Darshan finally could grip the control on his own mind , he felt that he was hugged in a tight embrace by Bhargav . Though his brain was restraining , his heart told him to stay in that familiar warmth , he did not want to make Bhargav sorrowful again ; not after calling him brother a few moments ago . Though his mind did tell him that those memories from a few moments ago were not his , but he could not deny the truth that they were indeed connected to him ; how he was yet to find out . Then he felt Yash's touch on his back , and Yash's words totally shocked him .

"I'm so happy that you are back to us , to me ."

Hearing those words , he turned to see Yash whose expression was beyond expectations , he was extremely happy , a longing lingering in his beautiful golden brown eyes .

Controlling his own emotions , Darshan tried to look as normal as possible and asked
"When did I leave you , Yash ? Where did I go ?"

The extreme pain in Yash's normally cold face clarified that he just lost something that kept his patience in an eternal test . Darshan felt a throb as if he was the one who was the culprit behind Yash's pain . Yet the confusions were too dense for him to clarify and he was pretty sure that Yash was more than the person who was present there . It was not new to Darshan as he always felt a comforting familiarity with Yash's care , his voice , his laughter ; but he was still the mysterious officer with whom Darshan fell in love with unexpectedly in such a short time .

After seeing those unexpected memories in his own mind , his first thought was that he was possessed by some powerful soul ; more accurately it was the presence of that soul which invaded his mind on that night when Bishwadev visited him . He tried to resist but that only led him to feel the flow of the memories as if he himself was present a few moments ago and strangely he felt that he was always like that with these people . More surprisingly at that moment he could read Yash's and Shan Raj's mind , which made his already troubled mind go insane . That's why he very cautiously asked the two most sane questions , and he hoped Yash to be honest as he knew Yash surely kept things from him but never lied to him .

Yash knew he was in trouble and he had to get out of it yet lying to Darshan was not his choice , so his first thought was about asking Darshan a few questions only not to scare the human mind .

"Do you believe in reincarnation ?"

Darshan was assuming many possibilities like maybe he had lost few years of memories when he went to coma , or maybe they were connected from the time when he was in coma , but a relationship that expanded through lifetimes that was beyond worldly to think of . Though he could not remember the first day of invading but the memories of few moments ago were all well printed in his mind and he did not want to trouble Yash but it seemed like Yash was the one who was initiating it .

With so much disturbance in his mind , Darshan replied
"after experiencing so much unworldly things all over my life , this is not a surprise . But what does that have to do with my disappearance ?"

To Yash Darshan's words sounded frustrating , he thought that he had triggered something but he had to push Darshan to an extent so that he could get any clue of hope .

So he kept it straight
"If I tell you that you reincarnated as a human being , and we all are connected with your past life , will you believe that ?"

Darshan was preparing himself for this since Yash had asked about reincarnation but listening to these straightforward words , he still felt like his world was still in mist and if he wanted to reveal it to himself ; he had to accept every turning point with head-on .

Staring at Yash , he could not utter any word , and Yash knew though it was shocking for Darshan , he had accepted the truth . It was Bhargav who already had shut down himself a long ago , gestured Yash to stop already . Obviously Yash had no more courage to test Darshan's human mind's sanity , he decided to let it go this time and go back to their own places .

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