30 : A LUNCH DATE ?!

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Darshan was walking through the crowd towards the restaurant "V's" , he was not late yet for lunch , but the overwhelming memories of the people around him was making difficulties for him . His earphone was on , though it was useless as long as he was keeping his eyes open .

Even though it was too much noisy and disturbing to his mind , he dared not to close his eyes for once , at least it was not as horrific as seeing  shadows of different shades . These sudden upgrades had turned his world upside-down , and in these few days he tried so hard to merge himself with society and that he did only for Yash .

The first time in that hired car , when he realised that he could see the soul essence of an alive human with closed eyes , he actually wanted to tell his mom . This incident was not new , he had seen the soul essence of the murderer on his first meeting's day with Yash and oddly enough that power never reappeared again until that day .

More surprisingly he could not see his mom's soul essence nor could he read her mind and he learned that his own soul essence was pure white with a faint golden border , which he did not see in any other human . He told his mom about his ability to read minds and his inability to see through her mind and his mom reasoned that her mind might be working on different frequency which he could not catch up .

Though the reason was sensible enough , he realised that his mom knew more and she was hiding from him , so he decided to keep the soul essence thing to himself . He locked himself in his home and did not want to go out easily as he knew it would only cause headache , he already had enough of being a living lie detector in all these years . Before he could read mind he was always capable of telling a lie from a truth , now being able to see through mind was making him frustrated and restless .

First Yash's calls and few talks with his mother were his only companion while staying at home , then when Yash came to know about the truth he suggested him to go out in crowd and make himself comfortable with so much noisy memories . It was not easy for him , he started staying outside as long as he could bear it .

Though it exhausted him , he got benefits of learning human characters better , it made him strong-minded , more stabled in emotional atmospheres . Though he could not restrain himself from getting affected or reacting in few aggressive situations , at least he learned to compose his expressions and keep a hold on his actions .

With so much happening in his mind , when finally he was inside the restaurant , he did not know why but the inner atmosphere was a bit less noisy . When he scanned the whole surrounding , he was surprised to see it was occupied with less people and most of them almost finished eating or waiting for their orders to be served .

To his utter astonishment he could not see through memories of many of those who were waiting and that made him frown at the thought that what kind of people they might be (including his mom and Yash) . At the thought of Yash , his eyes finally fell on Yash who was looking at him questioningly from the front table of their usual table .

Giving a small smile to Yash , he forwarded , took the empty chair beside Yash , exactly infront of a skinny man in a white shirt . That man seemed to have a headache as he kept his head supported within his palms , fully keeping his face covered.

Before Yash could utter any word , a slender man in a black shirt from the side of the man in white shirt , interfered
"one minute late . Here we're waiting for ten minutes , and he is late . So much effort for the date !"
He was annoyed .

Dumbstruck , Darshan looked at the slender man with a bit paled fair complexion in a black shirt , Yash frowned and tried to stop his brother and there the man in white shirt , burying his face in his hands , spoke up
"can you not be so serious for once ? He reached at the door on time . How can he be late ?"

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