35 : The Trial of The Karma Lord

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Dedicated to Furashu

It had been two weeks, Bhargav had become a human being with a very problematic superpower which he handled quite scholarly and in this Darshan was a living inspiration. But Darshan was a born human who had twenty four years of practice with his unworldly powers, even the upgrades were smoothly adapted and all the Lords and Ladies of Naarook knew how difficult it was for Bhargav who had two types of life for these days.

That's why they all tried their best to assemble and carry out the judgement of the Lord of Karma which was ordered by a superior. The new recruited members of the judging system did not know who the superior was or why all the Lords and Ladies were on their toes to hold the judgement in such a haste.

They were all excited as it had been few years, no Divine being was placed on the culprit's chair; but knowing the culprit's identity, they were nervous too as the Lord of Karma always had been the one who used to decide punishments, be it a human or someone from Naarook or someone dead.

Lady Shweta was the first one to reach the NORMS CAFE with her small jury, her white robe with pale sky blue embroidery work was shining silvery in the faint moonlight, her every step radiating grace, power and authority.

The working souls of the office did not dare to make eye contact or make any mistakes in presence of her. The judgement would have been  arranged in the ancient Hall of Justice if the Karma Lord was not the culprit, as he was banned from Naarook and that made every members to be offended with attending the event in a human domain.

Disha was already on duty, but Sampath did not take his leave, being part of only a shapeshifters' tribe, his presence was not that necessary; but he could not hold back his curiosity and the fortune to meet the Nature Lady. The meeting was held at the third layer of the office where the lifts to the gateway of Naarook were situated.

The huge vacant place where the Naarook's soldiers were kept in waiting on the night of the battle at the NORMS CAFE, was tuned into a parliamentary assembly. All Lords and Ladies came one after another with their jury teams and soon the hall was filled with faint murmuring.

The Death Lord came with only his head secretary of the Death Messengers and took his seat with utter coldness and the hall fell silent. He watched the opposite row with all the Vasantgarv family members and their jury teams with faces full of anger, disappointment and even fear, some were blank like Lady Amrita; he knew how divided she was feeling that time, she was never biased by Shanath's nature nor by his origin, after all a life is a life.

On his own side of row there were the Shinnai family and their only jury team as he himself came with only one ancient ghost and being the security in charge, Aayudh just could not use his men in his own benefits, he just sat there looking most uncomfortable one. Only Rajani had managed to hire some official workers from the Palace of Eternal Rest only to keep some sentences for their Second Prince. The Death Lord was not feeling ashamed for attending his own brother's trial, and he knew that neither did his sister or his youngest brother.

The entrance of the Lord of Karma left every and each of them dumbstruck, he was in his formal pitch black robe, his shoulder length coal black hair untied, his light brown eyes were sparkling with pride and self-esteem. In normal circumstances everyone would mistake him as the Lord of War, as Aayudh was an almost copy of him except for the hair, the skin colour, the dress and the slight differencebetween their physique. While the War Lord's aura used to give an emotional support, soothing and assuring; but the Karma Lord's presence alone could stir uneasiness to the core of every soul, including the War Lord himself.

It looked like that the whole officials' team from the Prison of Eternal Punishment had came to support their boss, including the High Saint. His presence alone had an admirable effect on the Knowledge Lady who was carrying out the judgements as head judge in the absence of Bhargav.

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