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On the way to the restaurant, Darshan's mind was filled with many questions , what was the place in his dream ? What was he doing there ? And why on Jag-Ath was he dressed in an ancient robe ? Why was Yash in such dress too ? The scenery looked like a lifetime old and Darshan was definitely sure that that lifetime had never been in the present unless it happened in his past lifetime .

The affection between themselves felt so original to him , as if he was experiencing that both physically and emotionally , were those also his memories from his past life ? Was that why he felt the comforting familiarity with Yash in such a short time ?

After Yash's mentioning about Darshan's past life and his connections with Yash and the other people , Darshan started to connect every dot and still he was lost , only the person beside him could at least give him some answers .

However the person beside him was silent as ever , and Darshan understood the person had been having problems with the people around him ; just like him , that person also used to see and experience unwanted things , it was just that he was so lost in his own questioning world , he did not pay much attention to his surroundings .

As they reached the V's , they were warmly welcomed by Vinay himself . Entering the restaurant , Darshan suddenly remembered the memories from the lunch time which made a critical expression on his face . He still remembered the parting words with Yash , and he badly wished to reverse the time .

What was he thinking that time ? Nor did he hear out Yash's full explanation neither gave him a chance to reason out any confusions . That time he felt like he was treated well because he was a shadow of a past person whom Yash and the others adored and respected ; was he thinking wrong ? He suddenly felt a jealousy creeping into his mind .

Taking his usual seat in the cornered table , his senses were still clouded with chaos , until the person who had taken the front chair talked .

"Can you please not think about it too much ?"

Darshan's face was literally shocked , he thought how could he know what he was thinking ?

The man , calmly answered
"your facial expressions are shouting out your mind . I did not come with you to see you like this ."

At last Bhargav glared .

Darshan somehow felt pity for his 'brother' , he was there to accompany him and he was all out of his real senses , he did not even notice that Vinay had served their dinner already .

Keeping his thoughts in a row , Darshan asked
"Then why are you accompanying me tonight ?"

In reality he needed to know if Yash had told Bhargav to keep company .

Bhargav checked Darshan's expressions which were not giving him any helpful hints .

He mentally thought
"Why ? Senior brother , why do you have to be the same stoic person with me ? Aaah ! Now what do I answer him ? That I came here to check on him ? If he is okay after lashing out on Yash ? I really can't take this silent demeanour ! First Yash , then him ! Like what went wrong with their mentality ?"

Then very cautiously he answered
"ooh ! I wanted to know more about the person whom my best friend loves so much and of course I want to be friends with you ."

To Bhargav's relief at least Darshan's expressions gave away some feelings ; pain , regret with defeat . Bhargav could not understand what was Darshan fighting against ? Was he confused about the memories or was he really at dead-end about discovering his own identity ?

Before Bhargav could think about more possibilities , Darshan asked
"How is he ?"

Scrutinising Darshan's face carefully Bhargav answered
"Back to his cold , icy demeanour , all over not good . I don't blame you though ."

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