You watch Kylo swiftly walk away, almost like he's trying to escape the hanger entirely but just before he passes the doorway he pauses and just when you think he'll turn and give you one last final glance he continues to walk away. Your heart sinks, the full sadness of your forced leave is finally hitting you at a force you did not expect. 

You will miss this place. 


"I think I'm going to miss that place." Leo sounds so casual about leaving but you on the other hand feel as though someone just stabbed you through the heart with a lightsaber.

"Yeah. Me too." You say and your voice sounds more robotic than usual but Leo doesn't notice it.

"I'm going to miss going out on missions the most. The Emperor always insists on doing the assignment then immediately coming back. The Knights of Ren were fun."  Leo reminisces and you know he's thinking about Coruscant.

"Yeah. I'll miss the Knights too." You reply, thinking about the mission to Coruscant for different reasons but ultimately realize that even with the shitty thing that almost happened to you, you still had fun on that mission. And of course, you'll miss the Knights too, but mostly you'll just miss Kylo.

"What do you think he'll have us do when we get back?" Leo turns to you, changing the subject.

"I don't know, but it can't be anything good." You reply, replaying his holograms over and over. He was so angry.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Leo suddenly looks nervous and you know he's probably replaying the holograms in his mind as well. 

"We'll be fine." You say to try and reassure him but even to yourself, your voice sounds shaky. 

"You don't think he'd kill us, right?" He says, now worried. 

You know that he's looking to you for reassurance but there's nothing you can say to make him feel better because even you have no idea what the Emperor will do to you when you get back to Exegol. He could very well be planning on killing you both and replacing you. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to do so. 

The rest of the trip back to Exegol is a painfully silent one. Neither you nor Leo want to address the very real possibility that you might be heading straight for your death. The best thing you can do now is to not betray how you're feeling. Staying neutral now would be your best form of defense. 

The ship lands and you make eye contact with Leo as the hatch opens up. Both of you silently communicating to the other about your worries but neither of you are brave enough to voice them. 

A man steps into view at the bottom of the hatch. His face remains impassive so if he's been sent here to bring you to death, his facial expressions don't expose him. His eyes flash to both Leo and you but his face betrays nothing. 

"The emperor would like to see you both. Immediately." His voice is monotone but has a ring of authority to it. 

Leo turns his head to you, waiting for your lead but instead you stare straight ahead, nod in acknowledgment and start walking towards the Emperor's lair without a word. Leo follows quickly behind you, trying to keep pace with you. 

You reach the entrance of the Emperor's lair and the two guards stare blankly at you before nodding and opening the doors.

You mentally prepare yourself for the shit-storm you're about to walk into. You know the Emperor is disappointed, mainly at you and they'll be hell to pay for your actions during your time on Starkiller. 

"My apprentices, welcome home!" The Emperor stated with fake excitement.

"Thank you Master." You and Leo both say together.

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