7: The Contract

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I had her bring her computer into my office and read over the contract now and make her changes. We might as well get it over with now.

I just know, I am going to have so much fun with this fucking little brat. Ah, so much to teach and so much to do.

The Contract

Dominant & Submissive Binding Contract

This is a binding contract between both the agreeing parties; submissive, Isabella Monique and dominant Damien Dalton.

You will be explained in detail what is expected from both parties in this relationship. You will read and learn about the different roles, rules, punishments, rewards, safe words, expectations, requirements, etc.

You will be required to fill out information about yourself and answering a couple of questions as you go through this packet.

1. What is a dominant and submissive relationship?
- A dominant and submissive relationship is a dynamic where power is exchanged in ways that fulfill sexual and/or emotional desires.

A D/S relationship can be polyamorous or monogamous, and involve one or several of each role. The precise terms of your D/S relationship style can be entirely designed by you and your partner(s).

2. What is your partner's role?
- Your partner's role will be to slowly but completely dominate you while keeping you safe and healthy. Your partner will provide and care for you.

3. What is your role?
- Your roll is to let your partner dominate you and care for you while also making sure you  return the favor. Care for them and their needs to the best of your abilities. Keep them safe, satisfied, and know your place.

4. What will this relationship be like?
- This relationship will consist of two parties, one female submissive and one male dominant. Both parties will share a home but will have separate bedrooms. There will be rules, punishments, and rewards. This relationship will involve sexual tendencies to be acted out. Both the submissive and dominant will receive safe words.

Have these answers been understandable?
Yes, they have.
Has anything you've read so far concerned you?
No, nothing has yet.

Rules For My Submissive

1. You will refer to me as Master, Sir, or Daddy unless under the unfortunate circumstances.
2. You will have three meals per day.
3. I will always have you location.
4. You will respect me at all times.
5. If I don't allow it, you will not associate with certain people.
6. You should always remember that you belong to me and nobody else.
7. You will follow these rules every single day.
8. You will wear your day collar at all times unless I say otherwise.
9. You will never touch yourself or me without permission first.
10. Always ask for permission to cum before you do.
11. You will treat yourself with respect.
12. Do not think more rules cannot and will not be added to this list.

Are all of these rules acceptable?
Yes, they are acceptable.

Once you sign this contract, it cannot be broken for the next eight months unless discussed further. After that timeline, this contract will be rendered void and you may end the relationship on your own terms and times

Do you agree that these terms are fair?
Yes, I agree these terms are fair.

I Isabella Monique agree to this contract and the terms that come with it. I Isabella Monique agree to become a submissive owned by Damien Dalton.

I Isabella Monique understand that the contents of this contract are not void until eight months have passed.

I Isabella Monique give myself to my dominant Damien Dalton. I Isabella Monique promise to respect and care for my dominant Damien Dalton.

I Damien Dalton promise to respect and care for my submissive Isabella Monique. I Damien Dalton promise to be the best dominant I could manage to be to my submissive Isabella Monique.

I Damien Dalton will treat her with fairness and respect at all times to make sure I preserve her humanity.

I Damien Dalton understand that she is only metaphorically a toy but in reality is a human with feelings who needs to understand everything that goes on in this relationship.

Final Signatures
Party 1: Damien Dalton (dominant)
Party 2: Isabella Monique (submissive)

✅Completed and Edited

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