31: Explain

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As soon as we pulled into our driveway, I went straight over to grab Jackson from his care seat and asked, "did you have fun today?"

"Yes mommy, Damien was cool but i'm sleepy." He almost shouted.

James grabbed onto my wrist once we got inside and I flinched. "Don't you dare touch me while angry in front of our son." I whispered so Jackson wouldn't hear. He let me go. "I am going to give him food then give him a bath before he goes to bed and then you could be as mad as you want to be."

I walked away from him and into the kitchen with Jackson. "Do you want your chicken nuggets and some fruit Superman?" I asked him and he tiredly nodded. I heated some nuggets for him in the oven while I cut up some watermelon. He ate his food slowly like always. He was just like his dad when it came to eating. He loved to savor every moment of his food.

I admire everything that Jackson does. He's the light in my life and there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for him. He's my baby, my little Superman.

"Mommy," he said. I kissed him and told him to go brush his teeth while I cleaned up the kitchen.

I gave him a bath before reading him a bedtime story. He fell asleep quickly and peacefully.

I sigh while playing with my hands as I'm walking to my and James' bedroom. When I walk in, I notice he's on the phone and he notices me. "I'll call you later, I've got to handle something." He said before hanging up.

He uses his fingers to signal for me to walk towards him and I do. He lightly pulls my small body against his large one. "Do you want to explain to me why our son had an interaction with Damien?" He forces my chin up to look at him.

I tried pushing myself off of him but he only held on tighter. "It wasn't intentional," I told him. He arched an eyebrow. "I took Jackson to buy a tux for tomorrow and Jackson wandered off asking him for money," I paused realizing I was about to panic. "I didn't realize it was him until I actually saw him." I explained leaving out the small detail that we went to coffee.

"And? I know there's something you're not telling me, Isabella." I shook my head no. "Why was he there?" He kept questioning me.

I started to panic. "I-I don't know he said he was here on business!" I blurted out.

James studied me for a few seconds and finally let me go before standing up, clearly towering over me. "And you got that information from Jackson asking him for some money?" He kept asking me questions.

This was his way of getting information out of me. And it always worked because he made me nervous. "And we had coffee," I admitted. "But that's all it was I promise!" I pleaded in fear hoping he would let it slide.

He stood there for a few seconds thinking, before he slapped me. I held onto my face where he hit me.

I was holding back tears trying not to yell. I couldn't do it. "Fuck you, James! What is so wrong with grabbing coffee?" I cried, "It's not like I fucking slept with him!" He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. I had tears running down my face.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" He grabbed my waist again squeezing tightly. I winced in pain trying to move away from his hold on me but failed.

"Y-You never let me do an-anything! I barely talk to anyone outside of you and Jackson." I start to cry more. "I just had one harmless conversation with Damien and I honestly it was nice talking to someone who wasn't you!" He squeezed harder making me cry out.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Well if you want to leave, then leave, and you won't have to talk to me or Jackson ever again." My eyes widened. I pushed myself off of him and stared into his eyes.

"Don't you ever fucking threaten me with my son James or I will...!" He cut me off.

He grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall behind me, "Or you'll what Isabella?" He lightly slapped me. I struggled to speak. "That's what I fucking thought." He shoved me making me fall to the ground. "If Damien is here on business, I'm sure he'll be at the party tomorrow." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

He crouched down to my level on the floor. "I don't want you to say a single word to him!" I stayed quiet, "do you understand me? Huh?!" He lightly slapped me again.

"Y-Yes I understand," I replied annoyed.

He walked into the bathroom to shower, and I did the same when he was done. Then we both went to bed.


I can't believe I finally found her. God, she is just as gorgeous as she was when I lost her. And Jackson is so adorable. He looked just like her.

I can't understand her want to stay with him though. I am here. I can take her and Jackson away.

All in it's own time.
✅Completed and Edited

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