37: Moving On

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I woke up early in the morning and headed straight to Jackson's bedroom. "Wake up baby, you need to go rinse your mouth." He slowly woke up rubbing his eyes. He struggled to stay awake while walking to the bathroom. I went downstairs while he rinsed his mouth. When I make it to the bottom, I notice James plastered on the couch while his wheelchair is on the other side of the room. I laugh to myself and hear him slowly waking up.

I head to the kitchen and start cooking some eggs and bacon. I cut up some fruit, and pull out some apple juice.

I set the table. I put down my plate and James' plate with a glass of apple juice for each of us. I hear Jackson running down the steps and jump on his dad, I pull some papers out of one of the cabinets in the kitchen and walk towards James.

"Watch out Superman, you could've hurt Daddy." I hear James tell Jackson.

"As if you could feel it." I scoff to myself. But I notice James staring at me. I laugh a little, "that was my bad." I smile. I bring his wheelchair to him and help him get in it. "Jane brought these yesterday for you to sign, something about a business sell." He sighs and starts signing. He throws the papers and pen at me. I put them in the envelope they came in and put them in the same spot I had them.

I picked up Jackson and put him in a regular chair. I started letting him eat at the table with us instead of using a high chair for him.

"So James, what are you going to do about work?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders and I let it slide. We eat in complete silence with the occasional outbursts from Jackson. After everyone finished eating, I pick up all the plates and start cleaning up.

I then do the usual, I take Jackson upstairs to brush his teeth and then bathe him. I take this time to call Damien.

"Hi, princess! How is everything going over there?" He asks me almost right away. I smile and blush a little.

"Everything is great! He just signed the papers and I'm going to start packing tonight!" I tell him. I see the joy grow on his face.

"What about Jackson?" He asks me causing me to sigh.

"I'll explain everything to him tomorrow morning. He's going to be sad, I know. But it's for us!" I frown.

We talk for a couple more hours before hanging up. I bring Jackson to my room with me. He's watching Spider-Man on the tv while I pack all of my belongings. I then move on to his room and do the same thing.

Once I'm done, I take all the suitcases downstairs and watch as James watches me confused. He's once again plastered on the couch doing nothing. "Where the fuck are you going?" He asks me.

"I don't think you want to know." I pick up my suitcase.

I still have about 4 more suitcases and when I come back James is trying to get in his chair. I walk over to him and kick his wheelchair far out of his reach.

"What the fuck Isabella!" He shouts and I ignore him. After I put all our bags in the car I come back inside and shut the door behind me. "What are you doing?" He asks me more calmly.

I stand in front of him. "James, get the fucking hint! I and Jackson are leaving you!" He sits there thinking for a minute. And then he starts laughing. I stare at him completely unamused. "You're forgetting, I didn't give you the divorce and you're not going to put Jackson under the stress of fighting for custody." He says confidently.

I click my tongue. "Shoot! You're right, why didn't I think ahead of time?!" I say sarcastically. "Oh wait! I did!" I smile at him. He sits there waiting confused.

I sigh and smile, "Those papers I had you sign at breakfast weren't for the company James." I stare at him waiting for him to realize. "Oh my gosh, are you that fucking stupid," I shout. "The papers you signed, were our divorce papers, and you giving me full custody of Jackson." His eyes widen and fill with fear and anger.

"You're lying." He says. I shake my head. "Nope." He was about to say something and then there was a knock at the door.

I go and open it to see James' parents. Damn. What great timing. I look over at him and I smile.

"Oh my god! Hi Mrs. and Mr. Gallen! What brings you guys here? I thought you guys were in Miami!" I exclaim. I didn't want them to be here, I was supposed to leave for my flight in 2 hours. Jackson came running down the stairs but stopped when he saw his grandparents.

He never liked them. They were always so strict with him and I never really liked them either ever since Jackson was born. "Well, can't we stop by our son and his wife's house every once in a while?" She asked and I laugh to myself.

"What's so funny dear?" She asks me. I pop my head up and tell Jackson to go back upstairs until I go get him. "What's going on?" James' father asks walking over to James.

I sigh and walk towards Mrs.Gallen. "I believe this belongs to you, right?" I say handing her my ring. She looks at it and backs up at me.

"What is this?" She says sounding upset.

"Your son no longer has a wife," I told them. "He is an abusive and manipulative piece of shit. Our son only exists because he raped me and I am only here in New York because he kidnapped me and beats me whenever he gets mad." I explained in the shortest way possible.

"You're lying."

"I am not," I say. "I sent police enough evidence to have him arrested and he signed divorce papers and gave me full custody of my son." At that moment I could see the disconnect between them and their son.

They left and I went to grab Jackson. But, before I left I looked at James one more time, "I finally beat you and there's nothing you can do about it!" He lets his tears fall making me feel no empathy for him.

"Say goodbye to Daddy Jackson, we're going to see Damien in Miami!" I tell him. He jumps up and down excitedly. He runs over to James giving him a right hug. He hugs him back and more tears fall down his face. I don't feel the slightest bit of pity for him. He didn't deserve Jackson in his life.

"Bye bye daddy, I love you!" Jackson tells his dad.

"Bye Superman! I love you with all my heart as well!" James tells him. He kisses Jackson on the head before letting him go.

"Go wait in the car Jackson, I'll be right there." I give him my phone and he runs off to the car.

I stare at James for a while thinking of everything he's done to me, letting my tears fall. I then take this chance and slap the absolute shit out of him, and leave.

That felt good.
✅Completed and Edited

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