28: Why?

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I drove around for hours searching for Isabella but there was no sight of her. I drove back home, though it didn't feel like much of a home without her here. I searched all over the house hoping that maybe, just maybe she was here.

She wasn't.

"Dammit!!!" I shouted throwing something at the wall closest to me. I ran upstairs to the room that used to be the red room but was now Isabella's art room. She recently got into art and was extremely good and painting and drawing.

I walked to our baby boy's bedroom which was Isabella's old room. We had decorated everything, we just needed to order the bed and stuff like that. I fell to my knees staring at a framed picture of me kissing Isabella's pregnant tummy while she laughs. I love her smile with everything in me.

I start calling a good friend of mine. And he answers after the second ring. "Yo yo yooooo! What's up, my man!" Evan spoke into the phone.

"I need a favor man, he took her again," I told him. The other end got quiet for a second.

"Alright I'm at my set up now, what do you need?" He replied in a serious tone. Good. I know he's taking this seriously.

"Find out where James Gallen is living right now." He sighs. I hear the sound of keys tapping and then stopped.

"I'll send you his address right.... now." He tells me.

"Thanks, man," I said and hang up. I grab my gun from the safe in my closet and rush to my car. It was about an hour and a half drive to the address that Evan sent me. I ran up and kicked the door down and saw that all the lights were shut off. I turned them on and searched the house only to find an envelope on the table.

"I knew you would find this address soon enough baby!" Read the front of the envelope. I sighed stressed out and scared to read the letter as I pulled it out. I began to read what she wrote me.

By the time I was done reading her letter, I had a waterfall of tears streaming down my face. "Why!? Huh!! Why would you take her from me again" I shouted to someone but did not know exactly who. "I would have taken care of her and the baby! I would have treated her right!" I struggled to say. I fell to my knees before getting up and driving home.

Sitting in our baby boy's supposed-to-be room, I opened a drawer, sliding the letter in there. I opened up the phone going to her gallery. The first thing I see is the last video on there. The video of our last moments together.!I hit the play button and cry as I watch how happy she looks while dancing. And how nervous she got when I didn't respond to her telling me I love you.

I loved this girl with all my heart and nothing could change that! I sent myself that video and shut off her phone putting it in the drawer as well and then closing it.

4 months later

I've spent almost every waking moment looking for her. My princess. But I couldn't find her. Her parents didn't even want to tell me where she was. She was at least 7 months pregnant now. And I couldn't be there for her.

I moved all of her clothes, shoes, and jewelry, into the closet of our baby boy's supposed-to-be room. I put any of her belongings that were too hard for me to even have in boxes and I stacked them in a corner in the same walk-in closet. I did the same with all of our framed pictures except for the one of me kissing her pregnant belly while she was laughing.

That's the only one I kept. I had it on my nightstand. And I watched the video of our last moments together each night and look at that photo each night before going to sleep.

As time passed it became easier to deal with her being gone. She had gotten stronger before she was gone and I could only hope that she was safe and protecting herself and baby Jackson.

I wished to see her soon, just a glimpse of her but I haven't. I don't even pay attention to other women. No one interests me. I have thought a lot of the things Isabella has told me and I decided to give my brother a call. We made up and I even had him and Priscilla over for dinner. Turns out, imma be an uncle to twins!

I became more lenient at work. I decided to make Jacob my new assistant and I let his boyfriend take on Jacob's old position.

They were doing amazing! They made me smile and we even became amazing friends. Watching them grow as a couple reminded me a lot of Isabella and how much I miss her.

I missed her and thought of her every single day at least once. I couldn't wait for the moment when my eyes fell on hers again. At that moment I would feel pure happiness and excitement.

I just want her to be happy, healthy, and safe. That's all that matters to me. I will always love and long for my princess.
✅Completed and Edited

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