26: Vlog

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1 month later...

I am officially four months pregnant! Today, me and Damien are going to find out our baby's gender. He is one hundred percent convinced that it is a boy but I think that it is a girl.

"Damien, let's go!" I shouted from downstairs. I wanted to get to the ultrasound already. I was so excited!!!

"Alright, I'm sorry." He laughed coming down the stairs. I jumped up and down excitedly before he grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to stay still. "Do you have everything?" He asked me and I nodded not even checking. "Phone? Neck pillow? Water?" I nodded still not checking. I just wanted to go. "Baby, you don't even have your bag with you" he raised an eyebrow.

I was nervous and annoyed. "Ugh, I just want to go see my baby, I don't need a neck pillow!" I complained.

"Baby has been waiting 4 months, he could wait another 10 minutes." I sulked and started walking to the kitchen where my bag was at. "And use the restroom before we leave cause then you start complaining!" He shouted and I flipped him off. This man will be the death of me I swear!

I keep having to remind myself that he's just trying to take care of me. Because if I didn't, he would be dead for not letting me go see my baby.

"Damien!" I shouted way too loud. He jumped from the scare.

We soon pulled into the driveway of the small clinic. Damien got out first to come to help me get out. I practically ran inside and checked us in. "Baby, calm down," Damien whispered in my ear. "Behave or I will have to give you a few spanks when we get home." I looked up at him and immediately calmed down.

"Isabella and Damien Dalton" they called us. We walked in and did the usual routine. I filled out some paperwork and answered questions about my health and how I'm feeling. Then finally I laid down on the bed and pulled up my shirt. She squeezed the cold jelly-like ooze on my tummy and moved it around with the transducer.

I looked over at the screen and teared up. I looked at Damien and saw him snapping pictures of our baby.

"Do you want to know the gender or will it be a surprise?" The doctor barely manage to ask before I let out an excited yes. "It's aaaaaa...." she led us on.

"Hurry up!" I shouted anxiously.

Damien laughed at my impatience. "You guys will be having a healthy baby boy!" She smiled before cleaning everything up and leaving us to enjoy the moment. "I told you". Damien bragged.

I smiled and hugged him. "Finally we know! Now we have to start thinking of names!" I squealed. He laughed, "That's for a later princess." He replied.


I was sitting in my office finishing up some work when I hear a group of people cheering outside my door. I open my door to see what the commotion is all about and I see everyone circling Damien and Isabella.

That fucking whore. I used to like her but then she left with no explanation. And got with Damien's business partner.

I've always had a thing for Damien.

And it was quite obvious that they were together in some type of way when she was his assistant. I never held it against her and I was fine with it. But when she left Damien he completely changed. He was almost... broken. And now all of a sudden she wants to come back when I almost had Damien all for myself.

So me knowing that James is the father and she probably doesn't want him to know, I'm going to tell him for her.

"It's a boyyyyy!" Isabella exclaimed. Everyone shouted in excitement, congratulating her. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my office.

A few 20 minutes later someone came into my office. It was Isabella. "Hey Rose, do you want some cake? We brought some for everyone." She asked me sweetly. I shook my head and she looked like she was about to say something but decided not to and left.

2 hours later the office was back to normal. I was doing some paperwork. I decided to finally go ahead and text Isabella.

Rose: Hey, can we talk?
Isabella: Sure! What about?
Rose: Just I need to talk to you about something. Do you know the cafe down the street?
Isabella: Yeah, I love that cafe!
Rose: okay meet me there in 20 minutes


"Hey babe!" I called Damien.

"Yes, princess?" I smiled blushing at the name he called me. I still get nervous when he called me princess. I should be used to it by now, he hardly calls me anything else.

"I'm gonna go to the coffee shop down the street real quick, Rose told me to meet her there."

He looked up in confusion and arched an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked me. I shrugged,

"She said she needed to talk to me about something, I don't know," I told him honestly.

"Hmm... should I send someone with you?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him.

"I'll be fine babe!"

He smiled slightly. "Okay." He replied.

He stood up and walked closer to me. I hugged him and smashed my lips on his plump ones. He deepened the kiss fighting for dominance and he won. I pulled away and pulled my phone out. "What are you doing princess?" He asked me noticing that I started recording.

"It's my vlog babe!" I joked as I set the camera up in front of his desk. "I have about 10 more minutes before I have to go. Let's dance!" He laughed and went to his laptop. I pouted but smiled again once I realized what he was doing. He played our song. "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo.

"Let's dance princess." He held his hand out for me to take and I did. I held on to him smiling and giggling while we danced throughout the whole song. When the song ended we stared at each other and I finally told him something that I'd been scared to say for a while.

"I love you, Damien." He quietly stared at me making me nervous. "Uhhh, also I thought about naming our baby, and I love the name Jackson" I babbled trying to change the subject.

He finally reacted and picked me up and spun me around. "I love you too princess" he hugged me tighter causing me to smile. He faced us toward the camera and shouted. "SHE FINALLY SAID IT!!!" I laughed with him. "And I love the name Jackson for our baby boy." I laughed and smiled at his response and shut off the camera.

I'm so happy that I got such a beautiful moment on camera. "Okay, babe I have to go now or I'll be late!" I told him trying to get out of his hold.

He groaned. "Just talk to her later" I pushed him off laughing and convinced him that it can't wait.

And then... off I went, to the cafe, down the street.
✅Completed and Edited

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