15: How Stupid

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Isabella's POV

Today was officially my first day back at work after a month of being gone. After my fight with Damien, he insisted I take a month off from work to spend some more quality time with my parents and friends. I agreed but I didn't know this included me moving back to my apartment for that month.

He told me it was only for that month. That I could have my personal space from him but it felt more like he needed space from me.

I didn't get to see him as much though. He would come over sometimes after work or at night just to get something out of me. He never stayed just to talk. All he wanted was sex and pleasure and that made his intentions with me crystal clear.

I should've known by now that I was just his submissive as we agreed to in the contract. But it is not my fault that I feel the way I do for him now.

I still wish I got to see him more often.

Anyway, I made my coffee and breakfast and continued to get ready for my first day back. I was so excited. I was going to see everyone I haven't seen in a month, even people I don't care about. It felt like going back to school after a long summer.

I grabbed Damien's breakfast on my way there and reported to his office as soon as I arrived.

"Good morning, Mr.Dalton." I set his coffee and breakfast burrito in front of him on his desk. Then I turned to walk away.

"Mr.Dalton?" He asked behind me.

I turned and nodded. "That is your name, right? Or am I mistaken?" He bit his lip and sighed.

"Where is this attitude coming from, and do I need to correct it?"

I laughed and looked at him, "You sent me away for a whole month, thirty fucking days Damien."

"I wanted you to spend time with your mom."

"Bullshit!" I shouted. "That's bullshit and you know it. You just wanted space from me after our argument." I was in front of him now. "You only have interest in me when you're horny and that is why you only come over when you have time and don't ever stay just to talk."

"You're wrong." He argued and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think so but okay. I have to get back to work, Mr.Dalton."

For the next hour, I had nothing to do because Damien was avoiding me and someone did my work for me while I was gone. So I was just talking with Jacob until I was called down to the front desk.

"Hi Rose," I smiled at her but she didn't return the gesture. Okay? "Was there a reason I was called down?"

"Yes, there is a woman here who claims to have an appointment with Mr.Dalton."

"That can't be right, I don't have any scheduled meetings for Mr.Dalton today." I scrunched my face in confusion. "What was the name?"

A lady came up to us with a beautiful smile held on her face. "Priscilla," she says, "Priscilla Dalton." My face goes cold. Oh my god is this his mother? No, she is too young to be his mother. Oh my god, his sister? "I'm his wife, sweetheart, since when did a wife need an appointment to see her husband."

"Wife?" I ask in shock. "I am so sorry ma'am, I wasn't aware Mr.Dalton was married." She gives me a strange look. "My apologies, I will show you to his office now." I gave her my best smile.

She was so beautiful, and kind. She spoke to me the whole way to his office and the way she spoke made it hard to hate her.

"You're such an amazing person Ms.Dalton." I knocked twice on Damien's door before he said I could come in.

"Mr.Dalton," he looked up at me with wide apologetic eyes but it meant nothing anymore.

"Isabella, I wanted to apo..."

I cut him off to say, "Mr.Dalton, your wife is here to visit you." His face dropped as he watched Priscilla walk in behind me. She went up to him and gave him a big kiss before he pulled away. It took everything in me to not start crying in front of them but I couldn't. "If you'll excuse me." I left and rushed to the bathroom. Where I let myself cry.

I can't believe how fucking stupid I was to fall for a married man.
✅Completed and Edited

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