30: Cookie

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"Damien..." I couldn't believe that after two years I was looking at him. He looks the same.

His eyes softened and his head tilted. "I can't believe it's you..." He hugged me and I hugged him back. It was him. I could feel the happiness and security in his hug. The longing for each other's touch.

Finally, he pulled away and kneeled to be at Jackson's level. "Hey, buddy." Jackson waved and smiled at him.

"My name is Jackson and I am two years old!"

"Wow, you're so big!" Damien told him. He stood back up and looked at me with a smile. "He's beautiful."

"Thank you."

"We should have some coffee," he suggested. I looked at Jackson who was falling asleep. I put him back in his stroller. "Please."

"Why not?" I said. He smiled a big smile and went to grab my hand but held himself back. "I am married... to James." His eyes shot up as we walked into the shop. I looked down feeling like I betrayed him somehow. "It was the first thing he had us do when we landed."

"I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner, I never stopped looking." He reached for my hand and it felt so right. So warm and safe.

"James is an amazing father to Jackson." I smiled.

"How is he to you?"

"He puts a roof over our head and provides for us and I am more than thankful." I look at how our hands are intertwined. I never felt this way with James. Anytime he touches me, I end up crying and with a bruise.

I see the way Damien's jaw clenches at how I speak about him. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He asks and I pull my hand away from his.

"Damien, I am happy." He scoffs and questions me quietly. He knows I'm lying and I hate it. "I should get going now before James.." I stop myself from finishing that sentence. "Before Jackson wakes up and gets grumpy."

I could see the pain in Damien's eyes. He wants to help me but I don't need to be helped. I am maintaining the relationship my son has with his father. "Goodbye Damien, it was good seeing you after so long and I hope you have a safe trip back home."

He hugged me goodbye and watched as I left. I put Jackson in his car seat before I got into the driver's seat. It took everything in me to fight the tears threatening to fall.

"Okay, Jackson!" I sigh "Next stop is home." He sits and thinks for a minute.

"I want to see Daddy!"

"Baby, you know how Daddy feels about us stopping by unannounced."

He starts crying and throwing a fit, "I want Daddy!"

"Okay, fine." I get him to stop crying and drive to James' work. I walk into James' new business building and check myself in with his secretary.

Truth is, this building never ceases to amaze me. It's incredibly huge and I don't come here often. "Hi, I'm here to see my husband." I smile at her. She nods and smiles back. "He should be in his office now, but let me check in with his assistant just to make sure!" I nod. Jackson is watching a video on my phone.

"He is in his office so you may go up now." I smile.

"Thank you so much, I'll see you at the party tomorrow right?" I ask her and she laughs.

"Of course!" I laugh and walk towards the elevator and head to his office.

We're standing in front of James' door and I kneel and look at Jackson's confused face. "Remember that Daddy might not be in a great mood so when we go in don't be loud okay?" He nodded and I smile walking him in.

James looks up at me with an unamused smile but then smiles widely at the sight of Jackson. "Daddy!" Jackson shouts ignoring everything I just told him outside.

"Jackson, what did I tell you?" He shrugs his shoulders.

"Daddy smiled so not bad mood!" He points out and James looks at me confused

"Why would I be in a bad mood?" He questions.

I walk over and kiss him, "I don't know, just sometimes after a meeting you're not in the best mood." I admit. He shrugs it off and attacks Jackson with kisses.

"How was the mall, Superman?" He asks him reminding me of what happened.

"It's fun, Mommy's friend gave me a cookie!" He shouted and my eyes widened. Shit!

"There was a guy selling cookies at the tux shop and he got one." I lied.

Jackson looked confused, "No, big dude Daniel gave me a cookie and call mommy princess" he corrected me.

James' eyes shot up at me. Then back to Jackson's. "Superman, do you mean a man named Damien?" He asked and Jackson agreed. James turned to look at me and he looked angry. My eyes focused on everything but him. I knew what was coming as soon as we got home. "Come on big boy, let's go home." I saw James pick up Jackson and as he walked towards the door he grabbed my wrist pulling me up.

I winced in pain not wanting to follow him but I had no choice. Down at the lobby we checked ourselves out of the building and walked to the parking lot. "I came in my car," I told James.

"Okay then meet us at the house I'll take Jackson," he said with no emotion and I listened.

James' car trailed behind mine the whole way home making me nervous. I knew what was about to happen when I got home. I only hoped he would let me explain myself first.
✅Completed and Edited

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