33: Victim Again

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"What was that all about?" I turn and see James walking toward me. He saw me. I kept myself quiet not wanting to say the wrong thing and angering him even more. "Are you just going to ignore me, Isabella?" He asks in a serious tone. I shake my head at him.

We both stood there in silence. A silence that not only makes me feel uncomfortable but also scared. I sighed and thought about what I should say. "I didn't mean to.." I trailed off, "but Jackson dragged him to me and he started saying things I needed to clear up." I admitted. And it was the truth just without all the extra glittery details.

"So, it's Jackson's fault?" He studied me. "I should punish him then?" I quickly turn my head to face him.

He looked unbothered by it all. "No! That is not what I meant!" I desperately explained not wanting Jackson to get in trouble because of me, he is just a kid and didn't mean anything by it.

"Then who's fault is it?" He asked me. I played with my hands before I replied.

"It was my fault," I say quietly. "But we were just talking, I promise!" I plead as I step closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist, but he only rolls his eyes annoyed.

"I saw how he grabbed you, Isabella."

"But I pulled away!" I shouted, "I am completely yours James." he laughed.

"Do you remember what you told me on our last night in Miami? I looked at him confused. I said a lot of things that day. "You said you would never love me half as much as you love Damien, that whenever I kiss you or touch you.." he began kissing my neck, "you'd be thinking about him." He whispered against my neck.

I pulled away from him and he looked me dead in the eyes with a smile. "Is that still true?" He asked me and I stared into his eyes. I wanted to say yes so badly but I knew he would get even more upset. I stayed quiet deciding on not to answer. "exactly, now go get Jackson, we're going home."

I walk into the room where all the kids are playing and my eyes search all over for Jackson. When I find him I see him talking to a woman. What is up with Jackson talking to random people?

"Jackson come on we're going ho.." I stop talking when I notice who the girl he was talking to was. "Rose?" She smiles a little bit I don't.

"Hi, Isabella how have you been?" She asks me.

I scoff, "As if you care. And don't ever come near my son again." I start to walk off with Jackson.

She caught up to me in front of the building. "Isabella please let's talk!" She begged. I turned around laughing.

"No, Rose! Let's not!" I shouted at her. "You took my life away from me! All because of your petty fucking jealousy! I don't know why you're here in New York, but Damien is here too so have at him if you'd like!" I stomped away and notice James was behind me waiting in his car. I put Jackson in his car seat then I got in the passenger seat and he drove off.

"Isabella, let's talk," James says after I put Jackson to bed.

"No." I simply say. I was already pissed off at Rose, I don't need James making me more upset right now.

"Excuse me?" He questions.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I said no, James. I don't want to talk." I give him attitude. "Rose already pissed me off and you're just going to yell at me about Damien, I don't need that right now. I'm tired and I want to sleep." I pull off my dress and pull on an oversized shirt, and some small shorts

He marches up to me grabbing my waist roughly and squeezing it like always. "Ow! J-James! You're h-hurting me!" I push myself on my toes and try moving his hands but he refused to move.

"If I say let's talk, I mean let's talk!" He shouted.

Finally letting me go made me fall to the ground. I stood up.

I felt this anger in me that I haven't felt since the day he kidnapped me. I didn't care how badly he hurt me right now. "Fuck you, James! I'm a person too! I have feelings and I have rights! I should be able to do whatever I want without you getting so fucking mad at me!" I shout.

"Well maybe if you weren't so fucking stupid and just listened to me then we wouldn't be here right now!" He shouted back.

I laugh. "Well maybe if you never fucking raped me we wouldn't be here right now," I shout instantly regretting it.

"Well at least when I raped you, you learned to fucking listen!" He said as if it was nothing. I felt tears coming from my eyes, "Maybe that's the solution, maybe I have to fuck the stupidness out of you again." He whispered thinking.

My eyes widened and I started pushing myself back until I hit a wall. He only took steps closer and closer to me. He kicked me in the stomach twice before he grabbed my wrist tightly pulling me up by force. "Please, James! Don't!" I begged as I watched him take off his clothes. I took this chance to run towards the door. I made it out but I only locked myself in one of the spare rooms. I couldn't exactly just leave, I would have to leave Jackson here and I wouldn't leave him alone with this monster.

"Open this fucking door, Isabella!" I hugged myself in a corner of the room. After a few kicks, he finally knocked the door down.

"Daddy? Why are you being so loud?" I heard Jackson's tired voice ask.

"Go back to bed Jackson, nothing is going on," James told him.

"Mommy yelled, Daddy is mommy okay?" He asked and my heart broke. Then Damien's words rung in my head, "He's going to get smarter the older he gets." He's already so smart. I don't want him to grow up watching his father abuse his mother. I'm supposed to be his super mom. But I'm weak. What if James starts hurting not only me but Jackson as well?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by James pulling me by my hair. "I got him to fall asleep, so now I will deal with you!" He threw me on the ground kicking my back this time. He wanted to make me weak. So that I couldn't fight him.

"James don't, I'm sorry please!" I cried.

He only laughed, "Yeah yeah, you're always fucking sorry." He proceeds to rip my clothes off and throw me on the bed. I'm too weak to move but I try. I can feel all the bruises on my stomach and back forming. I couldn't do anything. I felt James' weight on top of me. "This is your fault." He told me before shoving himself into me like he did all those years ago. "You deserve this!" He repeated the same action. I tried fighting him with my hands pushing his chest but he just effortlessly pinned them down.

I cried and tried pushing him away but my efforts were in vain. "I don't deserve this," I said as he continued to abuse my body against my will.

"You do." He groaned. "You are nothing but a stupid, pathetic, weak, slutty, bitch." He insulted me. He pulled my hair back and slapped my ass making me cry out in pain. "You are a sad excuse of a mother."

He kept throwing insults at me. Things I have only heard from him.
✅Completed and Edited

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