2: Sorry I'm Late

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I woke up to the loud annoying sounds of my alarm. Today was going to be my first day as the new boss's assistant. I checked my phone and soon realized that was maybe the tenth alarm in my phone meaning I was going to be late on my very first day.

The company I work for is named "Luxuries Shipment". For the last three years, my job required me to clock in at nine in the morning but now since my old boss decided to promote me last minute, I have to be there by seven thirty in the morning.

I am going to pray that I don't get fired on my first day.

I rushed to shower and get ready in an attempt to try and make it on time. God, I hate my new schedule already.

This is the outfit she is wearing

To be honest, I already accepted the fact that I was going to be late to work so when I played my music in the car, I had no trouble losing myself in between tunes

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To be honest, I already accepted the fact that I was going to be late to work so when I played my music in the car, I had no trouble losing myself in between tunes. Until my very amazing friend cut off my music with a call.

"Hello, this is Isabella speaking and how may I help you?" I answered a bit too energetically.

"Izz!" Jacob whisper shouted. "Where the hell are you?"

"I am in my car driving to work, drinking my coffee, and singing my heart out to Beyonce."

"Well, you better hurry because the new boss is here asking where the hell his assistant is!"


"Yeah, oh. Hurry the fuck up Isabella."

"Is that her?" I hear in the background. It sounded like a man's voice. A familiar but strange one and it was getting closer. "Are you speaking with my assistant?"

"Jay?" I heard him let out an 'uh' trying to think of something. "Cover for me please, I just pulled into my parking space I'll be there soon!" I hung up grabbed all my things and rushed toward the huge company doors.

My heels clicked at each step I took toward the elevator. Twenty minutes. That's how late I am on my very first day. What a great first impression. The first face I saw was Jacob's when the elevator doors opened and I rushed to him.

"Where is he?" I asked terrified.

"He hasn't been out since I called you a couple of minutes ago.

"Okay, I guess I'll just go find him now." He nodded in agreement but as soon as I turned around to walk away, I bumped into something hard. A chest. "I am so sorry." I looked up to see Damien. Yeah, the guy who rented his apartment to me. "Damien? What are you doing here?"

"That's the new boss Izz," Jacob said but I just laughed because no way.

"Jacob, this is the guy who I told you about. That rented me his apartment."

"And I am also your boss Ms. Monique."

There is no way this was happening to me right now. I never thought I would see Damien again; at least not at my workplace. Turns out he is my boss now too. I couldn't take the awkward silence and tension between us and everyone on this floor right now. It was uncomfortable.

"I apologize, Sir, I didn't realize you were being serious and I shouldn't have doubted you like that, I apologize." I kept my head down feeling too embarrassed to make eye contact with him at all right now.

"In my office, now!" He demanded. Everyone watched as I followed behind him. He was making an effort to embarrass me. "You were supposed to be here over twenty minutes ago and I have a meeting in fifteen."

"I understand that Sir and I apologize but this is new for me as well." He was walking incredibly fast. Might as well run. "Could you just slow down a bit please?"

We got to his office and as soon as we got inside he grabbed my arm slamming me against the door and locking it. I don't know what is up with him shutting doors but it was starting to get creepy.

"What is up with you and doors?" I asked trying to squirm out of his hold, but he only held on tighter. "You were twenty minutes late."

"So I've heard."

"Oh, giving snarky replies now huh?"

He wouldn't let me go and I was starting to get frustrated. I looked everywhere but at him causing him to grab my jaw harshly forcing me to look up into his confusing eyes. I couldn't tell if he wanted to hurt me or just make me uncomfortable. Either way, I was becoming extremely nervous.

"I'm sorry for being late, it won't happen again but you're starting to creep me out, Sir."

"Pretty girls get punished for being late, did you know that?" He whispered into my ear and my eyes widened before I managed to push him away from me.

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You." Damien blankly said. "You are my problem. The nerve you have to show up late and then give me attitude is crazy."

"Is that your excuse to try and grope me?"

This man was pissing me the fuck off. I knew he was trying something back at the apartment. He just gaslighted me into thinking I was crazy. But I wasn't. And I was just about ready to resign on my first day as he was to touch me without my permission.

"I want you to fucking behave."

"Excuse you?" I scoffed taken aback by his demand. There was no way he seriously spoke to me like I was a child.

He let out a heavy breath and closed his eyes shut. It looked like he was meditating. His way of relaxing.

This was my first day working as an assistant but not my first day working for this company. Never in my three years have I been approached like that by a man working here. His first day and he already changed that.

"You know what?" He laughed to himself. Again, exposing his smile. "I apologize for how I approached you and I do admit that was out of line but I'm extremely disappointed." He said suddenly making me feel like a failure. "I was told that you were always ahead and on time."

"I am," I replied.

"You're not. You're late and fidgety."

He doesn't understand that I am not used to waking up so early for work or at all. But I wasn't going to be the one to make him understand. He is not anything to me but my boss. I owe him nothing but my work. "You have a meeting in 5 minutes, sir," I said as I walked out of his office


I fully expected Isabella to be just like every other girl I have met but so far she hasn't been. As of right now, she stands up for herself and I can tell she has her priorities straight. She isn't about to bend then for some man just cause he is her boss.

I know her old work schedule. I just wanted to see how my new assistant handled herself. And she did pretty well but now she thinks I'm creepy.

Oh well. Not my biggest problem right now; I have a company to run.

Isabella's POV

I don't think I have ever met someone so self-centered in my life. He thinks just because he is the boss in this building that he can boss me around.

He is kind of hot but I know how to say no and to back the fuck up. Plus, I am here to work not to flirt with some guy I don't even know.
✅ Completed and Edited

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