18: True Him

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1 week later...

I was discharged from the hospital four days ago in a wheelchair. I'm supposed to be resting but I can't wait to get back to work. James luckily got discharged with just a few scratches and a court date.

James insisted I move in with him just for the time being so he could watch over me as much as he could. I told him I could always have my mom come over and that I didn't need that much care but he insisted on it.

2 weeks later...

I'm laying down in bed trying to figure out which movie to put on when James comes home earlier than usual.

"Hey, why are you home so early," I asked him but get ignored while taking off his clothes. "Did something happen?" I keep questioning and he starts laughing.

"Did something happen?" He repeats my question. "Yes, something fucking happened Isabella!" He shouts banging on the dresser closest to him. The loud noise made me jump back in fear.

"Well, tell me what happened don't just throw a fucking fit about it," I shout at him back.

"Your fucking man-whore Damien showed up at my office today!"

"okay?" I ask genuinely confused. "Don't you guys work together?"

"He wants to buy my business!" He shouts even louder. I walk towards him and he starts knocking things off the dresser. That's when I had enough.

"Then just fucking say no babe, what is the issue." I stand up to go try and calm him but instead, he grabs my throat and slams me against the wall. I wince in pain, "W-What the hell James!" I try shouting but he only tightens his grip around my throat.

"Why are you defending him? If you like him so much then why are you here!?" He shouted in my face. I was feeling dizzy but I was still trying to speak.

"I-I'm not even defending him." I struggled to say. He moved and threw me on our bed. I gasped for air.

"I know you love him Isabella I'm not stupid!"
He was going crazy and I have no idea where it was coming from. "I heard you at the office when we went together, you told him you loved him"

I wanted to laugh but I was too scared. I was rubbing my throat to soothe the pain and then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and there was a huge bruise. "I didn't tell him that I love him, I was telling him that I 'LOVED' him, as in past tense!" I whispered.

He simply rolled his eyes. "Whatever Isabella, the point is, I'm never going to let you leave me so whether or not you love him, you're stuck with me, princess" I just stared at him in disbelief.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked shyly. "We were doing just fine and now all of a sudden you want to be possessive and controlling?" I whisper and yelled.

He chuckled and walked towards me. I pushed myself back on the bed until my back hit the headboard. "That's the thing," he grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him. "I can do whatever I want to you and no one will believe you" he pushed my face away, "not your parents, not your friends, and not Damien." Tears began to trail down my cheeks.

He completely changed into a whole new person in hours. Would no one believe me? Even with this big bruise around my neck?

I sat there for hours crying, before falling asleep.


I had to tell her everything I have been holding in since we started dating. I wanted her the moment I laid eyes on her.

She is mine and I will never let anyone else have her, ever again. She needs to understand that she belongs to me no matter what. If I have to beat her for her to understand, then I will do just that!
✅Completed and Edited

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