Chapter 54

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[Raven POV]

"What? You have to be kidding me, you all are ok with Jaha's death and yet you give Echo a second chance after betraying Lexa and trying kill Clarke twice? A little hypocritical don't you think?"

"Actually 5 but who's counting" i roll my eyes and smirking lowered her head

"Hypocritical? On what? That he almost killed me? That Jasper almost kill Harper? On that he killed a lot of our friends so Ali can succeed? That he killed Antari and Lincoln? That he had the nerve to attack Lexa? On what exactly Cane?"

"She wanted to kill us and burn Polis"

"That's how she grew up Cane. Nothing was given to her instead she was always the one she was losing things, people, chances. She worked hard even if the reasons were wrong and mischievous. Even the she was a kid Titus told everyone she was a traitor just bc he had his own agenda"

"I don't care if you want to be fair, when she returns she will pay the price"

"What did you just said?" i took a step but Clarke held me, thank Gods

"Raven? pls?"

"Clarke? don't you hear him what he is saying? Pay what exactly? Pay bc she saved me? huh? bc she is risking her life to save us all with Lexa? What ?"

"Tried to kill you? Come on Raven"

"Correctioners send teams here to kill me, Lexa,Luna,Raven. While she and Luna were talking outside Ark someone shot Raven directly to her neck and thanks to Echo who pushed her out of the way she is alive didn't have something to say Lexa trust her so do i she wanted to change. That's the difference Jaha never wanted"

"In Mount Weather Bellamy was the one he didn't open the cells, he was the responsible not Lexa nor Echo"

"What? No Way, oh Bell"

"Lexa knew it from the start but she didn't want to hurt me that's why she took the blame"

"And now Cane? what you will do?"

"What do you mean?"

"What i mean will you follow Clarke and Lexa?"

"And Bellamy?"

"What about him?" he is unbelievable he didn't heard a word Clarke is so patient how can she do it?

"Don't you think he learned his lesson?"

"His lesson? Cane? he pushed his own sister off the cliff and almost killed her, i just put him on the infirmary bc he don't accept that i love a woman, Cane he attacked Lexa 3 times the same way he pushed Octavia, cowardly. He will never accept that i belong to Lexa. He betrayed us bc of it, he lead the enemy in here. For his own safety the best place is in jail and when we return then his fate is on Lexa hand whatever she decides, even death"

"Death? Clarke pls, don't let Lexa kill him"

"Lexa? No, Cane i will do it" he was shooketh, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You? Clarke? what happened to you? This is not like you at all"

"Not like me? Ha, what exactly is not like me? Bc i put myself and my people together? or bc you think i'm stupid?"

"Clarke? I never...." she raised her hand like Lexa, i was stunt, she looked like Lexa to, her expression said it all

"ENPLENY, from now on all gonna be equal to everybody. You sent us here without a warning. I lost friends, they harvested me and my friends, i would be already dead if it wasn't for Anya to save me and tell me to trust Lexa and pursue to be part of her Coalition. All the Sky people would be dead"

"We didn't know" that's it enough with the lies

"Bullshit" i was furious

"Raven? Past is past we are here let it go"

"Release him"

"Over my dead body i pull my gun and target Cane Abby walks in and froze"

"Z? runs inside cough him and lead him to cells as well"

"Yes, Heda Cane opened his eyes widely turn around please"

"Clarke? What are you doing?"

"What needs to be and have it must have done in Polis, your time is over, we grew up quicker but we did it. We leading and instead of be with us you make a scene and try to save a dead man"

"And you became the new Mountain Man?"

"You know its strange"

"What is?"

"How Emerson is still alive he froze you saved him, didn't you? and now once more is here to kill us, he is above us Cane he has us surrounded. you saved him huh?"

"Ofc, he did"

"Cane? what the hell are you doing?"

"He is so pationate to free Bellamy and saved Emerson too"

"What? Is this true?"

"It is"

"You asshole why did you do that for?"

"Because this Coalition was our end"


"What? What happened?"

"They sent us down here on purpose"

"What do you mean?"

" I mean that they knew exactly hat happen to us and what was going on down here. They knew everything"

"What?" i was looking Cane and Abby like an idiot, what the hell? they sent us here to become a sacrifice for them? No way that can not be true

" You sent us down here to be their experiments didn't you? Clarke was furious he veins were popping from everywhere you sent us down so they can return to the surface didn't you? i never seen her like this before We were expandable for you huh mom? Abby was crying and Cane looked her terrified, i was so shocked i just looking Clarke, then Abby and Cane, i didn't know what to do Z? take them both out of my sight now" Z did it right away, Clarke was hurt, i was hurt i can't believe what just happened. 

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